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Focus Locate IDT’s role in respect of EPWP within the national development agenda Business model and portfolio Role in EPWP Issues for discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Locate IDT’s role in respect of EPWP within the national development agenda Business model and portfolio Role in EPWP Issues for discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Development Trust Presentation to Portfolio Committee for Public Works 13 March 2006

2 Focus Locate IDT’s role in respect of EPWP within the national development agenda Business model and portfolio Role in EPWP Issues for discussion

3 IDT’s Business Portfolio

Donors, Government, Private Sector: Support institutions with resources to reach their target groups DEVELOPMENT GAP TARGET POPULATION Improve capacity of people and their institutions to reach services

5 Principles underpinning 2007/09 Strategy. We will:
Position the IDT as a central vehicle for poverty eradication and wealth redistribution. invest in finding innovative ways of meeting the core challenges of poverty and inequality intervene in key national policy debates drawing on our own practice and development experience, and by learning from international best practices. influence government policy and setting of the national development agenda Entrench social impact assessment by adopting Results Based Management in all programmes

6 Strategic focus for 2007/09 Strategic Goals: We will Strategic intent
Provide innovative development solutions to advance poverty eradication Impact on poverty and unemployment through programme management and innovative development models Contribute to strengthening the developmental state through deepening democracy in targeted localities Empower communities to participate meaningfully in governance to enhance service delivery Contribute to African development solutions Position the IDT to learn from and contribute to the Continental development agenda Gear the organisation’s resources towards excellence in delivery Strengthen the IDT’s human and institutional capacity

7 Growth in Total Programme Value:
OFFICE 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/5 2005/6 National Office R281m R 46.7 m R65.2m R77.3 R.64.3 Eastern Cape R113m R544.0 R 345.7 R513.5 R 598.3 KwaZulu-Natal R4,3m 87.8 R 97.1m R 295 R 267,6 Limpopo R20m R77.4m R71.3m R89.7 R 171,5 Mpumalanga R6m R24.6m R22.6m R23.0 R 44 m North West 3.7m R113.2 R133.1m R96.9 R 52.7 Free State R3.8m R41.7m R41.3m R10.5 Nil W. Cape R4.5m R12.4 m R10.0m R1.7 R 10 m N. Cape R3.5 R11.1m R8.9m R1.2 nil Gauteng R85.0 R162.9m R220 R43,9 m Total R290m R1,044 m R958m R1,328 m R1,152

8 Growth Provincial Programme Value
OFFICE 2001/02 2002/03 2003/4 2004/5 2005/06 Eastern Cape Nil R460m R278m R 590m R 498m KwaZulu-Natal R25m R55.3m R 110m R 276,6m Limpopo R2m R7.7m R 90.5m R 171,5 Mpumalanga R 22m R 44m North West R24m R57.4m R 103.3m R 52.7m Free State W. Cape R 4.5m R 10m N. Cape Gauteng R70m R150m R210.4m R43, 9m, TOTAL R581m R548m R1, 140m R1,088 RATIO: Provincial / National 55.7% 57.2% 86.7% 74.1%

9 2006/07 Portfolio Current portfolio of programmes and initiatives
Programme Portfolio doc

10 Strategic Initiatives
ASGISA: Priority national development programme Involved from beginning as an opinion maker: concept papers & strategy development. Cooperatives: IDT will coordinate institutions which can support Social facilitation and institutional capacity building at community level. Also coordinate training of 1st 150 community members as facilitators in the Indian Rural Development model. Massification of EPWP Infrastructure Development: support project to enhance participation of women (Skills acquisition for infrastructure development and fast tracking black women project managers), Unemployed Graduates internship programme Presidency still to finalise the institutional arrangements.

11 Strategic Initiatives
Mpumalanga Provincial poverty strategy: finalized research + poverty profile. Need to develop strategy and support implementation and monitoring Institutional capacity building of South African Women in Construction i.t.o. formal agreement with SAWIC Massify and upscale Local Area Plans promote people’s participation in Local economic development, IDP’s etc Redesign and integrate IDT’s role in ISRDP, Project Consolidate and EPWP to enhance impact, value and effectiveness PPP with “Round About Pumps” to enhance value in schools building programmes (provide water and sanitation) Implement PPP with Lonmin Platinum: sustainable people centered development programme in EC (income generation for IDT and 1st PPP; potential best practice)

12 IDT’s contribution to EPWP

13 Role of IDT in EPWP Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings (MPB) programme Support Provincial EPWP lead Departments in coordinating EPWP. Programme Implementing Agent Community facilitation Develop Beneficiary Information Management System (idt value-add) Tripartite agreement: Department, FNB & IDT IDT’s other programmes

14 Maintenance of Public Buildings Prog
Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings Programme. Facilitation Training Beneficiary exit strategies Monitoring and evaluation Current Status 21 Projects valued identified to date 5 Projects commenced implementation Feb 06 68 beneficiaries employed as at end Feb. 06 Projected 1200 beneficiaries to be employed once all 21 projects are rolled-out

15 Coordination Support to Provincial lead departments
Develop framework for provincial implementation Support individual Sector Depts. in development of their business plans (where required) Monitoring and reporting on provincial EPWP EPWP PMO office established within Free State DPW Contract signed with KZN DPW to provide coordination support and manage learnerships

16 Provincial PIA’s Programme Implementation
Training and Skills Development Beneficiary Exit Strategies Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation Current status: IDT appointed PIA in, Mpumalanga, North West, Western Cape, Gauteng and Eastern Cape

17 Current Status-Provinces
Role Client Mpumalanga PIA Health, Education North West Health Gauteng Public Works Kwazulu Natal PIA / Coordination Works/Transport Western Cape PIA / coordination Eastern Cape Public Works, Education Northern Cape Coordination Free State Infrastructure sector coordination Limpopo

18 Community facilitation
Stakeholder mobilization and facilitation within NDPW learnership programmes Liaise with all stakeholders including local and provincial governments Community facilitation Current Status: Facilitation support unit established and located within IDT Facilitation support to 290 Learnerships

19 Beneficiary Information System
Development, institutionalization and management of Beneficiary Information System (BIMS) in order to: Conduct beneficiary capacity assessment manage beneficiaries in a standardized effective and efficient manner from entry, exit and migration to future alternatives BIMS system once deployed nationally, would provide all EPWP reporting requirements. To intergrate with other relevant databases e.g. Dol, CIDB, CETA,etc Current Status: Bims system idt national roll-out by mid April 2006 Bims system pilot in Gauteng and NDPW EPWP Maintenance projects in progress

20 Other possibilities ASGISA:
Tripartite agreement: Department, FNB & IDT. Enormous possibilities Infrastructure and other programmes. E.g., School building: employment opportunities – community labour & emerging contractors Poverty Relief Programmes: graduate from survivalist to emerging enterprises

21 Challenges Projects generally limited to a financial year.
Lead time required to arrange training Projects usually fast tracked Not all projects appropriately suited for EPWP or not properly planned for or designed. Stakeholder mobilization and social facilitation critical but usually not allocated enough time or resources.

22 Issues for discussion Integrated coordination and delivery: ISRDP, EPWP, Project Consolidate and ASGISA. Integrate EPWP principles into all government programmes (re-branding) All IDT EPWP agreements to support provinces pertain to infrastructure. To what extent is this a reflection of the participation of other sectors in EPWP Discrepancies between demand and supply. What does this mean for the EPWP targets Policy gaps: DoL funds life skills training; SETA fund learnerships. Gap i.r.o technical training before assuming learnerships

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