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Digestive System.

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1 Digestive System

2 There are 400 species of bacteria in the human colon.
On average a person passes gas 14 times a day. Constipation is caused when too much water is absorbed in the large intestine and poops become dry. * The small intestine (pronounced in-test-in) is a long tube about 1 and a half to 2 inches around, and about 22 feet long * The large intestine is fatter (3 to 4 inches around), and is about 5 feet long Food stays in your stomach for 2 to 3 hours

3 Organs of the Digestive System
Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Anus

4 Accessory Digestive Organs
Salivary glands Teeth Pancreas Liver & gallbladder

5 Mouth (oral cavity) Incisors Canines Premolars Molars
Lips, cheeks, hard/soft palate, uvula, tongue, teeth Food enters mixes with saliva Masticate Incisors Canines Premolars Molars Bolus: chewed & moistened food

6 Pharynx & Esophagus Pharynx
Open area that begins at the back of the mouth Esophagus Runs from pharynx to stomach

7 Physiology of Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus
Food enters in mouth Physically broken down Mixed with saliva Chemical digestion of starch begins Swallow Voluntary; bolus Peristalsis- rhythmic muscular contractions & relaxations


9 Stomach Cardiac sphincter
Muscle between the esophagus & stomach. Closes to prevent food from reentering the esophagus Pyloric sphincter Between the stomach & small intestine.

10 Stomach Food breakdown Gastric juice Chemical digestion in the stomach
Chyme- food mixed with gastric juice. 30mL Ulcer- Food Propulsion Peristalsis Pyloric sphincter: barely opens & squirts ~3mL of chyme

11 Stomach Problems Heartburn Cardiac sphincter doesn’t close completely.
Ulcers-stomach lining breaks down

12 Small Intestine Major digestive organ-longest section (~21 ft)
Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Structure Villi- fingerlike projections Microvilli- extensions on the villi



15 Small Intestine Food breakdown & absorption (3-6 hrs)
Chemical digestion Brush border enzymes Pancreatic juice Complete starch digestion Half of protein digestion Fat digestion Bile- breaks down large fat globules

16 Large Intestine Colon Ascending Transverse Descending sigmoid Rectum
Anal canal

17 Large Intestine Contains few nutrients “resident bacteria”
Metabolize remaining nutrients Make vitamin K and B vitamins Release gases (500 mL per day) Methane & hydrogen sulfide Feces Undigested food residue, mucus, millions of bacteria, water

18 Large Intestine Propulsion Mass movements
Long, slow-moving, powerful contractile waves (3-4 times a day) Fiber-strengthens contractions Defecation Defecation reflex Anal sphincters

19 Large intestine problems
Diverticulitis-inflammation of diverticula Diarrhea Rushes food before it absorbs water Dehydration & electrolyte imbalance Constipation Stool hard & difficult to pass Lack of fiber; poor bowel habits; laxative abuse




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