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Athletic Program Mr. LaPietra, Athletic Director

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1 Athletic Program 2018-2019 Mr. LaPietra, Athletic Director
Overview of RECIHS Athletic Program What sports are offered? What seasons? What is the process to be medically eligible to participate? Athletic Facilities and Locations each season Academic Eligibility Regulation-3 Parts Athletic Eligibility Requirements Recognition

2 RECIHS Sport Offerings 2018-2019
RECIHS Sport Offerings ** **All fall, winter and spring sports are combined with Wilson Commencement except Boys JV and Varsity Basketball and other noted sports below.**

3 Winter Season - Starts 11/5/18
Fall Season - Starts 8/13/18 All offerings at Wilson unless otherwise noted. Winter Season - Starts 11/5/18 Boys JV Football Boys Varsity Football Boys Varsity Soccer Boys Varsity Volleyball Monroe) Boys/Girls Varsity Cross Country SOTA) Varsity Cheerleading Girls Varsity Soccer SOTA) Girls Varsity Tennis Girls JV Volleyball Girls Varsity Volleyball  Boys JV Basketball (Early College Hosts) Boys Varsity Basketball Varsity Wrestling Girls Varsity Basketball Girls JV Basketball Co-Ed Varsity Bowling Varsity Cheerleading Boys/Girls Varsity Indoor Track Edison)

4 Spring Season - Starts 3/4/19
Boys Varsity Baseball Boys Varsity Tennis Boys Varsity Outdoor Track Edison) Co-Ed Varsity Golf Co-Ed JV Golf Girls Varsity Softball Girls Varsity Outdoor Track

5 What is required to be medically eligible to participate?
Up to date Physical within 1 Year Medical Eligibility Certification Form Parent Consent Form Requalification (Nurse Screening) THIS ENTIRE PROCESS MUST BE COMPLETED EACH SEASON.

6 Athletic Facilities and Locations each season
Wilson High School Wilson Foundation Academy Genesee Valley Park Marina Auto Stadium (Formerly known as Rhinos or Capelli Stadium) Radio Social Bowling Lanes

7 Academic Eligibility Regulation-3 Parts
Eligible Student – If the following conditions are met, this student will participate on the club or team without restrictions until the next report card is issued, at which time eligibility will be determined again:  A cumulative "C" or a 2.0 average for all scheduled subjects, A 90% daily in-class attendance for all classes, and Demonstrate good school citizenship. Student on Academic Probation: This student will continue to be allowed to participate in practices and competitions, as long as he or she meets the requirements for eligible students, but will be placed on probation with conditions: 3-week progress report or marking period report card shows that student is failing any one class While on academic probation a student must meet all conditions of probation.

Ineligible Student: This student may not participate in competitions if the student: Does not have a cumulative “C” average, 90% daily in class attendance, or demonstrate good school citizenship Meets the requirements for eligible students, but is failing in two or more classes. (Students who are ineligible under this paragraph may participate in practice if they attend tutoring in the failing subjects.) Students are ineligible until the student receives either a 3-week progress report or marking period grade report which shows that the student meets the requirements for eligible students and is receiving a failing grade in no more than one class. (Student’s failing one class will be placed on probation.)

Tutoring: Schools shall provide and all students on probation or ineligible must attend tutoring in any failing subject through special academic assistance as assigned/approved by the building Principal or his/her designee (i.e. Athletic Director/Assistant Principal in a specific subject area) as deemed necessary and appropriate and depending on teacher availability. Students must maintain 100% attendance in study sessions, in order to be able to participate in practices and/or contests as set forth above. All building principals, athletic directors, and coaches should ensure that they are fully familiar with the Extra Curricular Eligibility Regulation, Superintendent’s Regulation 5305-R.

Cohort OR Higher (2015, 2016 and 2017) Entering 9th grade September of 2014 or later. A student shall be eligible for interschool competition in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 until his/her nineteenth birthday. If the age of nineteen years is reached on or after July 1, the student may continue to participate during that school year in all sports BONA FIDE STUDENTS: Regulation of the Commissioner of Education: A contestant must be a bona fide student of the high school represented and must be taking at least (4) four subjects including Physical Education.

11 Athletic Recognition…
Throughout the school year and during each season… Within school, community, social media and other media outlets (Local TV channels and the Democrat & Chronicle. End of the year Banquets (Spring 2018) at Early College and/or Wilson Commencement Red Fedele’s Brook House


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