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Radiation and YOU .

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation and YOU ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation and YOU 

2 Non-ionizing Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation that transfers energy to matter without breaking bonds. Examples: Radio waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light

3 Non-ionizing Radiation
Affects atoms and molecules by: Increasing the motion of the atom Moving electrons to higher states in the atom.

4 Non-ionizing Radiation
Not harmful in low doses, but can cause burns at high doses. Dose: the amount of radiation received.

5 Ionizing Radiation Ionizing radiation carries enough energy to break bonds between atoms Examples: ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays

6 Ionizing Radiation Affects atoms and molecules by:
Breaking chemical bonds Freeing electrons and forming ions Can damage cells and cellular machinery.

7 Ionizing Radiation and You!
Two major factors in tissue damage Radiation density – how concentrated the radiation is Dose – the total amount of radiation received

8 Factors affecting damage
Dose – the more radiation received, the more damage occurs. Exposure time – The shorter the dose, the greater the damage.

9 Factors affecting damage
Area exposed: The greater the area of body exposed, the greater the damage. Tissue type: Rapidly dividing cells receive more damage.

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