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Plantaginaceae The Snapdragon Family

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Presentation on theme: "Plantaginaceae The Snapdragon Family"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plantaginaceae The Snapdragon Family

2 Vegetative Features - Herbs with round stems - leaves alternate or opposite

3 Reproductive Features - Flowers 4- or 5-partate, usually zygomorphic, often bilabiate (two-lipped)

4 Androecium commonly of 4 didynamous stamens fused to the
corolla. (Two stamens in the genus Veronica.)

5 In many genera and species, a fifth stamen is present, modified as a staminode.

6 Ovary superior, of two fused carpels
Style terminal Fruit a many-seeded capsule

7 Plantaginaceae Ca4-5 Coz4-5 A2,4 G2

8 Economic Importance: Digitalis (foxglove) is the source of digitalin, a cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of heart disease. Also numerous ornamentals, e.g., foxglove, snapdragon

9 Local Flora Chelone glabra turtlehead Veronica americana
American brooklime

10 Nuttallanthus canadensis
Canada toadflax Plantago major Plantain

11 Pedicularis canadensis
Orobanchaceae Plants with similar flower structure that are hemi-parasitic (they do photosynthesis, but are also root parasites) have recently been placed in the family Orobanchaceae, along with fully parasitic plants such as beechdrops. Melampyrum lineare cow-wheat Pedicularis canadensis lousewort

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