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Words: The Power Within

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1 Words: The Power Within
Silver Edition – Lesson 12 Opposite Directions Words: The Power Within

2 EXTRA (EXTRO) Extracurricular Extra + curr (run)
Literal definition – run beyond; run outside of Dictionary definition – (adj) done or pursued in addition to the normal course of study I like to participate in extracurricular clubs like Spanish Club after school.

3 EXTRA (EXTRO) Extraordinary
Extra + ordin (order) + ary (pertaining to) Literal definition – pertaining to beyond order Dictionary definition – (adj) very unusual or remarkable The extraordinary transformation from a geek to a popular person is a common movie plot.

4 EXTRA (EXTRO) Extravagant
Extra + vagary (to wander) + ant (characteristic of) Literal definition – to wander beyond; to wander outside of Dictionary definition – (adj) lacking restraint or control in spending money or using resources Your extravagant spending led to bankruptcy. EXTRA(EXTRO) – BEYOND, OUTSIDE OF

5 HYPER Hyper Dictionary definition – (adj) unusually energetic
Note – hyper is a shortened form of hyperactive The upcoming concert made me hyper, and I could barely contain my excitement.

6 HYPER Hypersensitive Hyper + sentire (to feel) + ive (capable of)
Literal definition – capable of feeling beyond Dictionary definition – (adj) abnormally or excessively aware of feelings Wolfgang was very hypersensitive about his balding head.

Hyper + ventus (wind) + ate (become) Literal definition – to become above wind Dictionary definition – (v) to breathe too rapidly and lose too much carbon dioxide I was so scared at the haunted house that I began to hyperventilate. HYPER – ABOVE, BEYOND, OVER

8 HYPO Hypocrite Hypo + krinein (judge, decide)
Literal definition – under judge Dictionary definition – (n) one who pretends or plays a part; one who claims to have morals or beliefs but whose behavior does not conform to them If you say you don’t smoke but get caught smoking, you are a hypocrite.

9 HYPO Hypothermia Hypo + therm (heat) + ia (condition)
Literal definition – condition below heat Dictionary definition – (n) a condition of having abnormally low body temperature Wolfgang was diagnosed with hypothermia after he locked himself in the restaurant freezer for several hours.

10 HYPO Hypotheses Hypo + thesis (to place)
Literal definition – to place under Dictionary definition – (n) a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation Our hypothesis for the experiment proved to be correct. HYPO – UNDER, BELOW

11 SUB Subdue Sub + due (lead) Literal definition – lead under
Dictionary definition – (v) to overcome, quiet, or bring under control a feeling or a person; to bring a country under control by force The police subdued the suspect as he tried to run.

12 SUB Subside Sub + sidere (to settle)
Literal definition – to settle under Dictionary definition – (v) to become less intense, violent, or severe After taking some aspirin, my headache began to subside.

13 SUB SUB - UNDER Subterranean Sub + terr (land, earth)
Literal definition – under land; under earth Dictionary definition – (adj) existing, occurring, or done under the earth’s surface Moles are subterranean animals since they live underground most of the time. SUB - UNDER

14 SUPER Superficial Super + fic (make) + ial (characteristic of)
Literal definition – characteristic of making above Dictionary definition – (adj) existing or occurring on the surface; not thorough or complete Your injuries appear to be superficial and need only minor first aid. You have a superficial understanding of algebra and should probably take it again next year.

15 SUPER Superior Literal definition – above
Dictionary definition – (adj) higher in rank, status, or quality; (n) a person or thing higher in rank, status, or quality In the Army, soldiers must salute when a superior officer walks by. Wolfgang’s superior at work made him come into the office on Saturday.

16 SUPER SUPER – ABOVE, BEYOND, OVER Supersede Super + sedere (to sit)
Literal definition – to sit above; to sit over Dictionary definition – (v) to take the place of something because it is more important Fun fact – this is only word in the English language that ends in sede When at school, academics and good behavior supersede sports and socializing. SUPER – ABOVE, BEYOND, OVER

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