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1 HiddenChalk




5 Educators





10 Resources

11 About the Developer Dr. Tony Perez is a college president, an educational app developer, executive coach and consultant whose over 32 years of talent management experience and strong academic credentials provides him a platform to provide strategically-driven leadership and organizational development work to his clients.  Tony's work focuses on working with organizations and individuals to develop inspiring visions, build collaborative relationships, lead high performing teams, and develop, execute and achieve business objectives aligned with organizational strategy. As a CEO for the past 32 years his executive coaching has been influenced by his doctoral training in counseling as well as by a summer he spent with Carl Rogers at the Center for the Study of the Person. He believes that an executive coach cannot teach the executive but can only facilitate the learning process. Everyone exists in a constantly changing world of experiences in which he or she is the center. Each executive reacts and responds based on his or her perceptions and experiences. He has a love for education and a passion for coaching. Specialties: Specific areas of coaching include career transition, interpersonal and professional communication, performance management, organizational effectiveness, managing career and personal changes, developing executive presence, enhancing strategic thinking, dealing effectively with conflict, and building an effective team within an organization.

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