School Name Here District Here

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Presentation on theme: "School Name Here District Here"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Name Here District Here
Student Name Here School Name Here District Here

2 Artist Statement typed 300-750 words Font Calibri 28 size
Artist Statement typed into the power point Images – make them as large as possible – fill up the slide space. Make sure you add a title to each work. There should be a slide for every work of art entered – 6. Detail slides can be included with a maximum of 6 (one for each work). If you include detail images please indicate the title of the work and what detail image number it is. Save the power point as a PDF with a title of the seniors name and the school on the first slide. Schools will enter the PDF in TAPPSter when the entry is created. The deadline for submission of all senior portfolios is posted on website. Finalists will be notified before entry deadline. If your senior’s portfolio is selected you will need to bring it with you to state for final judging. Senior Portfolio submissions do not count toward a schools 25 works. Schools will not send money with their senior portfolios but rather on the State fee form it will automatically be included in the total amount owed for state.

3 Insert 1st image here. Make sure you insert a text box at the bottom of the slide and put the title of the work and the size of the finished work not including the mat. Font Calibri size 20

4 Insert Image 1 detail image detail photo here
Insert Image 1 detail image detail photo here. Make sure you insert a text box at the bottom of the page and put the title of the work and indicate that it is a detail shot. For example: The Toys; detail 1. Font Calibri size

5 Insert Image 1 Information form and include Model Release (if necessary)

6 Insert 2nd image here at the bottom of the page
Insert 2nd image here at the bottom of the page. Make sure you insert a text box and put the title of the work and the size of the finished work not including the mat. Font Calibri size 20

7 Insert 2nd image detail photo here
Insert 2nd image detail photo here. Make sure you insert a text box and put the title of the work and indicate that it is a detail shot. For example: Cars ; detail 1. Font calibri size 20

8 Insert Image 2 Information form and include Model Release (if necessary)

9 Continue following this format until you have entered all 6 images with their 6 detail images if desired. Along with an Image Information Form for all entries and a Model Release Form if necessary .

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