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Do now: Create a Venn Diagram to compare & contrast these two skeletons. Pg 34 Note: The Skeleton on the left (Lucy) is missing bones. Human Lucy.

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Presentation on theme: "Do now: Create a Venn Diagram to compare & contrast these two skeletons. Pg 34 Note: The Skeleton on the left (Lucy) is missing bones. Human Lucy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now: Create a Venn Diagram to compare & contrast these two skeletons. Pg 34
Note: The Skeleton on the left (Lucy) is missing bones. Human Lucy

2 Similarities between Lucy and humans

3 Who is Lucy? Lucy is one of the oldest and most complete hominid human species, and early humanlike species. *Hominids are erect- walking primates that include modern humans, earlier human species, and early humanlike species.

4 *Lucy was also Bipedal! “Bi”- means two
*Bipedal- Capable of walking erect on the hind limbs, freeing the hands for other uses.

5 What we are used to seeing!

6 Closer to Reality



9 *Humans did not evolve from Chimps or Gorillas!
*Humans share common ancestors with Chimpanzees and Gorillas. *Basically : We have a great great great ^1000 aunt in common and her name was Lucy!



12 1.Which bears are currently alive?

13 2.Was the short-faced bear an ancestor of the Asiatic bear?

14 3. Are present day bear species more closely related than their ancestors were?

15 4. Did natural selection favor the brown bear over the American black bear?

16 5. Did modern bears evolve from species that are now extinct?

17 Exit Slip? Why do you think we share so many similarities to other primates such as chimps and gorillas?

18 Answer *We share a lot of characteristics with other primates because we share a common ancestor with them. * One of our common ancestor was named Lucy

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