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Presentation on theme: "PRIMATE EVOLUTION DC Biology Bill Palmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIMATE EVOLUTION DC Biology Bill Palmer

2 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
PRIMATE-Group of mammals that includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans Characteristics Round shape of head Flattened face Large brain Flexible shoulder and hip joints Finger and toe nails Opposable thumb Excellent vision w/depth of field and color

3 Primates

4 Primates

5 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Two major Groups Prosimian Anthropoids

6 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Prosimian oldest group Lemurs Tarsiers Aye-aye Found in Africa and Asia 50-60 myo


8 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Anthropoids newest group Mandrill Gibbon Larger than Prosimians More or less upright New world monkeys have prehensile tail


10 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
New world monkeys have prehensile tail Use like a fifth limb Spider monkey Howler monkey Marmoset Capuchin (Organ Grinder’s) Monkey


12 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Old world monkeys have no tail Generally larger Colubus monkey Guenons Baboons Macaques


14 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Hominoids are apes and humans Gibbon Orangutans Chimpanzee Gorillas Most spend time on ground May live in social groups (gorilla, chimp) Long-term parental care Evolved in Asia and Africa


16 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
Humans Common ancestor Very large brain Walk upright

17 Human Ancestry Hominids
5-8 mya common ancestor split into lines- one line lead to humans and one lead to apes Human line became bipedal (walk on two legs) to find food Bipedal leaves hands free to care for young, find food, defense, and leave arms free to use tools

18 Human Ancestry Many hominid fossils have been found (mostly skulls because they are tough)

19 Human Ancestry Australopithecus africanus Found by Dart in 1924
Hole in skull showed it walked upright 1-2 myo

20 Australopithecus africanus

21 Human Ancestry “Lucy” a new species found in Africa in 1974 is 3.5 myo
Australopithecus afarensis Named for Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Pelvis is bipedal Small brain Lived in small groups

22 Australopithecus afarensis

23 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Homo habilis (handy human) Fossil found in 1964 by Leakeys in Africa Skull humanlike Large brain, human teeth 1.5-2 myo Used stone tools

24 Homo habilis

25 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Homo erectus (upright human) Humanlike face Brow ridges, no chin Large brain, human teeth 1.6 myo Used stone tools, kill animals and break bone open Cooked food Used fire and lived in caves Migrated from Africa to Asia

26 Homo erectus

27 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Homo sapiens (smart human) Sudden appearance in Europe, Asia, Africa about ,000 ya Modern head w/o brow ridges Small teeth Very large brain (equal to ours)

28 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Neanderthals best known of early Homo sapiens Live from 35,000 to 100,000 ya Europe, Asia, Middle east Thick bones, large faces, prominent nose Size of modern humans

29 Neanderthals

30 Neanderthals

31 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Neanderthals continued: Lived in caves Had art Buried their dead (believed in afterlife) Religious Had language Disappeared suddenly about 35-40,000 ya

32 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Neanderthals suddenly disappeared and were replaced by Cro-Magnon 35-40,000 ya Cro-Magnon looked like modern humans Art, religion, tool makers, much like modern humans

33 Cro-Magnon

34 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
What happened to Neanderthal? Killed by Cro-Magnon Out-competed by Cro-Magnon Bred with Cro-Magnon Unsolved Mystery

35 Human Ancestry The Emergence of Modern Humans
Humans have not changed much in last 200,000 y Began in Africa, Europe, Asia 12,000 years ago migrated across land bridge to North America In 500 years had populated most of North and South America

36 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
What is a primate? List 5 characteristics of primates. List 5 primates. What is a prosimian? List 2 prosimians. What are three characteristics of anthropoids?

37 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
7. List two anthropoids. 8. What is the main difference between old world monkeys and new world monkeys? 9. List four new world monkeys. 10. List four old world monkeys 11. What are hominids? 12. List four characteristics of hominoids.

38 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
8. List four hominids. 9. When did the hominid line split into apes and humans? 10. What is Australopithecus africanus? 11. When and where was it found? By whom? How old is the fossil? 12. What is Australopithecus afarensis?

39 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
13. How did it get the name “Lucy”? How old is the fossil? 14. What is Homo habilis? 15. When and where was it found? By whom? 16. What is Homo erectus?

40 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
17. When did it live? What are its characteristics? How old is the fossil? 18. What is Homo sapiens? 19. When did it live? What are its characteristics? How old is the fossil? 20. What are Neanderthals? 21. When did it live? What are its characteristics? How old is the fossil?

41 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
22. When did it live? What are its characteristics? How old is the fossil? 23. What are Cro-Magnon? 24. When did it live? What are its characteristics? How old is the fossil? 25. What are three theories that may account for the disappearance of Neanderthals?

42 Primate Evolution-Wrap Up
26. How quickly did humans inhabit North and South America?

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