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6.2a worksheet 66.5 11) 1.296 1.5 12) 33.54 50 13) $9.83 0.98 14) $14.50 107.5 15) $9 0.25 18.64 150 212.5 0.1.

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Presentation on theme: "6.2a worksheet 66.5 11) 1.296 1.5 12) 33.54 50 13) $9.83 0.98 14) $14.50 107.5 15) $9 0.25 18.64 150 212.5 0.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.2a worksheet ) 1.296 ) 33.54 ) $9.83 ) $14.50 ) $9 0.25 18.64 150 212.5 0.1

2 Learn to use the percent equation to solve percent problems.

3 Class Notes All Problems involving percent breaks down into one of three basic questions: What is a given % of a given number? Ex: what is 12% of 36? 2) A given number is a given % of what number? Ex: 34 is 30% of what number? 3) A given number is what % of a given number? Ex: 56 is what percent of 78?

4 We use the information from the question to fill in the following proportion;
% = part (is) Whole (of) Whatever we don not know becomes the variable.

5 To write an equation we simply turn the question into one by converting the words to their equation counterpart; is = # # What x % decimal Of We can also use an equation: Part = percent x whole

6 Examples: Percent Equation
1 Finding the part What is 24% of 200?

7 EXAMPLE 2 Finding the Whole 20 is 30% of what number?

8 EXAMPLE 3 Finding a Percent What percent of 7 is 4?

9 Example D: Percent Word Problems
The African Pygmy Hippo is the smallest species of hippopotamus. Suppose a common adult hippo weighs 5600 pounds. An adult pygmy hippo weighs 10.5% of the common adult hippo. How much does the adult pygmy hippo weigh?

10 Examples: Percent Equation
1) 15 is 25% of what? 2) What is 38% of 192? What percent of 98 is 40? 4) What is .5% of 14? 5) What percent of 50 is 60? 6) 25 is 2% of what?

11 Practice 1. What number is 3% of 700? 21 2. What percent of 220 is 44?
20% 3. 81 is 18% of what number? 450 4. 63 is what percent of 36? 175% 5. Sally answered 57 out of 65 questions correct on her mat test. What percent of the questions did Sally answer correctly? 87.7% 6. Tim earns a 12% bonus of his salary each year? If Tim earned $85,500 last year, what was his bonus? $10,260 7. In order to buy a new car you need to put down a 24% deposit. If you put down $3000, what was the cost of the car? $12,500

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