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People for the Data Andreas Weigend Naver | Seoul |

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Presentation on theme: "People for the Data Andreas Weigend Naver | Seoul |"— Presentation transcript:

1 People for the Data Andreas Weigend Naver | Seoul | 2019.01.07
Cut to the key

2 The Day after the Trump Election
10 Nov 2016

3 22 Aug 2018 First Meeting of Digitalrat


5 Outline Exponential Technologies The ABC of Amazon
Data Rights (f0r Consumers) Data Rules (for Companies) The Future Cut to the key

6 Data poor Vater Mathe und Physik

7 Data rich Vater Mathe und Physik CERN, 1986

8 15,317 searches

9 1970’s: Building Computers 1980’s: Connecting Computers
1990’s: Connecting Pages 2000’s: Connecting People 2010’s: Connecting Data 2020’s: Connecting Sensors Google – learning from data OTHERS created Facebook: Appstore: recombining, mashing up data form data Like a refinery Ok, so what’s the point? Reaching knowledge? Reaching wisdom?

10 Data 10^9 10^3 1974 2004

11 Data factor of 10^6 over 30 years
corresponds to factor of 10 every 5 years 10^9 transistors on a chip log axis 10^3 1974 2004

12 AI 10^3 10^-3 2012 2018

13 AI factor of 10^6 over 6 years
corresponds to factor of 10 every year 10^9 Gigaflops per day log axis 10^3 2012 2018

14 Amout (linear axis) AI Data Time (linear axis)

15 Part 2: The ABC of Amazon Cut to the key

16 Algorithms Belonging Curiosity Data Experimentation Das ABC fuer mit

17 Learn to answer questions? Learn to ask good questions!
Curiosity Learn to answer questions? Learn to ask good questions! Yo man, you rule! Rules that help us tame Why important? Data is the new oil Similar Different Game changer Post-privacy economy

18 Data Amazon Wristband Patent,

19 Part 3: Data Rights for individuals in the post-privacy economy
Yo man, you rule! Rules that help us tame Why important? Data is the new oil Similar Different Game changer Post-privacy economy

20 Transparency Rights Right to access your data
Right to inspect the refineries See security risk audit See privacy burn rate See return-on-data score

21 Agency Rights Right to amend Right to blur Right to experiment
Right to port

22 Part 4: Data Rules for companies in the post-privacy economy
Yo man, you rule! Rules that help us tame Why important? Data is the new oil Similar Different Game changer Post-privacy economy

23 Start with a question, not with the data
Undergrads: answer questions Grads: ask questions Question for you: What is the value of data Decisions

24 Start with a question, not with the data
Focus on decisions and actions “Fitness function” Amazon specific Making recommendations is easy Evaluating recommendations is hard

25 Amazon: Case Goal: Help people make better decisions
Data strategy: Make it trivially easy to Contribute Connect Collaborate

26 Amazon: Recommendations
Manual (Experts) Implicit (Clicks, Searches) Explicit (Reviews, Lists) Situation (Local, Mobile) Connections (Social graph) Again, turning costs into profits

27 Amazon: Fitness Function
Expresses your beliefs, mission, values Needed for the of evaluation of experiments Write it in terms

28 Start with a question, not with the data
Focus on decisions and actions Embrace transparency Internal External

29 Data Rules Start with a question, not with the data
Focus on decisions and actions Embrace transparency Respect and empower your customers

30 Some simple questions Do your customers understand the value they get when they give you data? Does your product or service get better over time and with data (or worse)?

31 Some hard questions Who owns the data? What, actually, is data ownership? When everything can be measured, what is fairness?

32 Part 5: The Future Cut to the key

33 The Future Do you know where you want to go but do not know how to get there? Do you not know where you want to go ?

34 the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr: Serenity Prayer Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and. the wisdom to know the difference.


36 Utopia? Dystopia Utopia

37 Dystopia Utopia

38 Companies Individual Government Balance of power Ask audience:
Take a company: Amazon Take a country: United states In the long run who will survive?

39 Recap Exponential Technologies The ABC of Amazon
Data Rights (f0r Consumers) Data Rules (for Companies) The Future Cut to the key

40 Thank you! Andreas Weigend +1 650 906-5906 +66 87 906-5906
Cut to the key

41 Albert Einstein Not everything that counts can be counted, and
not everything that can be counted counts.

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