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When the 1st pioneers came to Utah they walked and pulled wagons

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2 When the 1st pioneers came to Utah they walked and pulled wagons
When the 1st pioneers came to Utah they walked and pulled wagons. Later came the stagecoach, and right after that the power of steam engines in trains came. This replaced animal and human power.

3 Most of the Railroad workers were immigrants
Most of the Railroad workers were immigrants. The largest number were from Ireland and China. The 2 Railroads met at Promontory, Utah in 1869. Thousands were there to watch

4 People watched as California Governor Leland Stanford took a swing with a sledgehammer at the last railroad spike made of gold. He swung again, missed again. Finally, a railroad worker took over, he drove the spike in in one strike. News was sent across the nation about the coming together of the railroads.

5 Problems with building the Railroad.
The hot deserts were a problem, and the cold winters were terrible to work in. Many died from the cold and from accidents while using dynamite to blast through mountains.

6 The work was dangerous and difficult.
Most of it was laid on the flat prairie but the difficult part was getting through the Sierra Nevada's and the Rocky Mountains.

7 Benefits from the Railroad
Ended travel by covered wagon Loaded wagons took 90 days to travel from the Missouri River to Utah, a train could bring more people and more goods in just 2 days. Trains helped moved people quickly in and out of the territory. Trains also were able to move raw materials from mines.


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