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By: Elizabeth Lutz 8th per. Mr.Gorden

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Presentation on theme: "By: Elizabeth Lutz 8th per. Mr.Gorden"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Elizabeth Lutz 8th per. Mr.Gorden
Lutz Science Fair By: Elizabeth Lutz 8th per. Mr.Gorden

2 Question Will letting cookie dough in the fridge for 48 hours make the cookie taste any different than immediately cooking the cookie dough?

3 Background I wanted to do this project because I wanted to know if it really does change. I make cookies all the time, but I wonder if I can change the way they taste if I bake them differently than i already do.

4 Variables Independant- How long the cookie dough stays in the fridge
Dependent- the taste of the cookie Constants- the type of cookie dough, how long the cookie cooks, and the volunteers.

5 Hypothesis If I put the cookie dough in the fridge for 48 hours, then the cookie will taste different than immediately cooking them.

6 Materials cookie dough lab notebook graph paper Volunteers
Writing utensils for each volunteer

7 Procedure Make cookie dough Put some cookie dough in the fridge
Start making cookies Get volunteers to taste test the cookie Have them rate it on paper Wait 48 hours Repeat steps 3-5 with the cookie dough in the fridge

8 Data

9 Graph

10 Conclusion

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