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Practice Questions for the Unit 1 Quiz

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1 Practice Questions for the Unit 1 Quiz

2 Sample Paragraph Topic #1
Explain how the Mesopotamian government worked. Please include the Mesopotamian people’s point of view or beliefs about their government.

3 Be sure to: Describe the Mesopotamian government.
Explain the relationship between the god and the king. Describe the responsibilities of the king to the people.

4 Sample Paragraph Topic #2
How does Klaus Schmidt’s theory about Gobekli Tepe differ from the theory of the neolithic revolution?

5 Be sure to: Say what Klaus Schmidt’s theory is.
Say what the Neolithic Revolution theory is. Clearly state the differences.

6 Don’t forget to: 1. Write a good topic sentence.
2. End with a good concluding sentence. 3. Use clear, specific evidence or examples.

7 People who do not farm but instead rely on wild animals and grains are known as
C A. Mesopotamians B. aristocracy C. hunter-gatherers D. shamans

8 China has two major rivers. The one farther north is known as:
A. Yangtze B. Huang He C. Tigris D. Chang Jiang B

9 People who practice ancestor worship, usually believe that
A. their ancestors are powerful gods and goddesses B. their ancestors will be reborn as humans, animals or plants C. they should be grateful to their ancestors and should honor those spirits D. Halloween is the only time when they are required to honor their ancestors C

10 Gobekli Tepe is important because it suggests that
A. religion and temple building came before farming B. farming and religion developed at the same time C. farming came before religion and temple building D. hunter-gatherers did not know how to build temples A

11 A pet dog is an example of
A. civilization B. specialization C. domestication D. aristocracy C

12 The region that means is “land between the rivers” is
A. Fertile Crescent B. Gobekli Tepe C. China D. Mesopotamia

13 Here are some terms you should know:

14 Gobekli Tepe

15 Neolithic revolution

16 hunter-gatherers

17 shaman

18 aristocracy

19 irrigation

20 Mesopotamia

21 dynastic cycle

22 Mandate of Heaven

23 river valley civilizations

24 nomads

25 polytheism

26 Code of Hammurabi

27 drought

28 veneration of ancestors

29 dynasty

30 Tigris

31 Euphrates

32 ziggurat

33 ritual

34 Mesopotamia’s environmental challenges:
1. unpredictable flooding 2. no natural barriers for protection 3. few natural resources (such as building materials)

35 How did the Mesopotamian people meet these challenges?
Irrigation ditches Built walls around cities Traded with other people

36 China’s environmental challenges:
1. unpredictable flooding 2. no natural barriers for protection 3. few natural resources

37 How did the Chinese people meet these challenges?
Irrigation projects Built walls around cities Traded with other people

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