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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
. What is the factory system? A: System of mass production using the assembly line. Changed Britain and eventually the world into a Consumer Society. 5/25/2019

2 What advancements were made in textile technology?
Spinning jenny – spin cloth quickly. Water frame – hydroelectric power. Water flowing from streams powered spinning wheels. Britain led the world in textile production. 5/25/2019

3 What effect did the steam engine have?
Increased production of textile mills. Need for coal led to growth in what industry? A: Coal mining. 5/25/2019

4 What medical advancements were made during the 1700s?
Vaccine for smallpox Greater food supplies Better living conditions Higher birth rate All contributed to greater longevity. 5/25/2019

5 How did railroads impact the Industrial Revolution?
What is urbanization? Growth of cities. How did railroads impact the Industrial Revolution? Transportation of goods. Communication 5/25/2019

6 How did the middle class develop
How did the middle class develop? People filled jobs that formed the middle class Managers Supervisors Skilled craftsmen Factory workers Some of these formed the lower middle class. 5/25/2019

7 What were conditions like for factory workers?
Long hours Treated badly by owners/managers Child labor. 5/25/2019

8 What did workers do in response to poor working conditions?
Formed labor unions. Some sabotaged machines - Luddites. 5/25/2019

9 What is Marxism Economic theory
Advocated overthrow of existing industrial society. Wanted to create a classless society. 5/25/2019

10 What factors led to an increase in urbanization?
A. Increase in population B. Advancements in farming C. Growth of factories D. All of the above 5/25/2019

11 What social changes occurred as a result of urbanization and industrialization?
A. Overcrowding in cities B. Migration into farm areas C. Elimination of labor unions D. Elimination of the middle class 5/25/2019

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