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Immune System Flashcards

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Presentation on theme: "Immune System Flashcards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Immune System Flashcards
Name: Period:

2 What is a prokaryote?

3 How do bacteria reproduce?

4 Which process increases genetic variation in bacteria?

5 What do bacteria need to grow?

6 How do bacteria contribute to an ecosystem?

7 What is a virus made of?

8 Can viruses infect any type of cell or are they specific?

9 What is a bacteriophage?

10 How is lytic infection different from lysogenic infection?

11 What is a retrovirus?

12 What is a pathogen?

13 How do bacteria cause disease?

14 How do viruses cause disease?

15 How can we prevent bacterial and viral infections?

16 What is a vaccine and what does it do?

17 What are 2 ways a viral infection can be treated?
Which fights the virus and which relieves symptoms?

18 What are antibiotics and when are they prescribed?

19 What are your nonspecific defenses?

20 What are your specific defenses?

21 What might result from the inflammatory response?

22 What is the advantage to getting a fever?

23 What is an antigen?

24 What is an allergen?

25 Compare T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes

26 What is an antibody?

27 Compare how antibodies are made in active immunity and passive immunity.

28 What is an allergy?

29 What are mast cells and what do they release?

30 What is an autoimmune disease?

31 What is an immunodeficiency disease?

32 Which virus causes AIDS and what type of virus is it?

33 AIDS is an example of what type of immune system disorder?

34 *STUDY ALL DIAGRAMS. Know the structure of an antibody and of a typical prokaryote (bacteria).

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