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Structure of the Heart.

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1 Structure of the Heart

2 Total of 4 chambers

3 Atrium Upper chambers of the heart
Right atrium receives oxygen- poor blood from body Left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs

4 Ventricle Lower chambers of the heart Pumps blood out of the heart
Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left ventricle

5 Valves Flaps of connective tissue between atria and ventricles. Allows for one direction of blood flow.

6 YouTube Circulation Through the Heart


8 1 8 4 4 4 5 5 6 2 3 7 1 To the Body Superior Vena Cava Pulmonary
Artery 8 4 4 4 Pulmonary Veins Pulmonary Veins 5 5 6 Mitral Valve 2 Pulmonary Valve Aortic Valve 3 Tricuspid Valve 7 Inferior Vena Cava 1

9 Veins bring O2 poor blood from upper part of body
Brings O2-rich blood from left ventricle to entire body 1 O2-poor blood to right lung O2-poor blood to left lung 8 4 4 4 O2-rich blood from right lung 5 O2-rich blood from left lung 5 6 Lt. Ventricle pushes O2-rich blood to aorta and body 2 O2-poor blood enters the right atrium then right ventricle 3 7 Rt. Ventricle pushes O2-poor blood to right & left lung Veins bring O2-poor blood from lower part of body


11 Heart Circulation

12 Circulation Through the Body
The heart functions as two separate pumps

13 Pulmonary Circulation
Oxygen-poor blood from the right side of the heart goes to the lungs.

14 In the lungs... Carbon dioxide leaves the blood and goes into the alveoli of lungs. Oxygen is absorbed into the blood on red blood cells (hemoglobin)

15 Systemic Circulation Oxygen-rich blood from the left side of the heart goes to the rest of the body.

16 After cycling through the body
Oxygen-poor blood returns to the right side of the heart and the cycle starts over.


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