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Globalization & Urbanization Review

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1 Globalization & Urbanization Review

2 Globalization The expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact. (p.84)

3 Outsourcing To hire someone outside a company to do work that was once done inside the company.

4 Comparative Advantage
When a region is able to produce specialized goods or services using less production time and labor.

5 Rural Decline When people in rural areas move to urban areas due to less economic opportunities in rural areas.

6 Urban Sprawl Spreading of urban developments on undeveloped land near a city (p.102)

7 Free Trade The flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government control.

8 Industrial Revolution
Beginning in the 1700s, Rapid change in the economy with the introduction of power driven machinery

9 Geographic Information System (GIS)
Computer programs that process and organize details about places on Earth and integrate those details with satellite images and other pieces of information.

10 Give 3 examples people can benefit from globalization.

11 Workers in developed countries can lose their jobs.
Give 3 examples in which globalization has had a negative effect on society.. Workers in developed countries can lose their jobs. Diseases now spread quickly, creating pandemics Placelessness (Cultures lose uniqueness)

12 Throughout history most of the world’s population resides in rural areas.

13 List three positive and negative effects of outsourcing. (think video
Positives People in Less Developed Countries now have job opportunities Businesses make more profit The standard of living for many people living in less developed nations is improving with the increase in income. Negatives People in More developed Countries have lost jobs due to outsourcing People in Less Developed Countries now work longer hours, disrupting the time normally spent with family. Less Developed and Newly Industrialized Countries lack laws to protect workers and the environment

14 1. People in India speak more than 1,000 languages and dialects. Great Britain later took over India and made it a colony. British officials set up schools where Indians were taught in English. The schools helped train Indians to work in government jobs.

15 2. Cultural convergence: cultures become more similar as they adopt aspects of other cultures (opposite of cultural divergence) Placelessness-the inability to identify a place based on its human landscape

16 More Developed-High internet usage by majority of citizens
3. More Developed-High internet usage by majority of citizens Newly Industrialized-Medium internet usage by citizens Less Developed-No internet usage.

17 4. Region of the world engaged in urbanization
Rural Decline and Urbanization are both happening Cities are experiencing Urban Sprawl. In parts of the less developed and newly industrialized world, usually they have massive growth in slums as their form of urban sprawl. Old infrastructure is being replaced by new infrastructure, i.e.. 1. Dirt road > gravel or paved roads 2. Electricity/telephone service/internet access/sewage treatment is now available

18 5. When a country specializes (specialization) in making a specific product faster, cheaper and more efficient they have an advantage (comparative advantage) over other countries. Such as the United States with making pick-up trucks. We are world renowned for our trucks in the design, manufacturing efficiency, durability, and cost. USA pick-ups can be found in use around the world.

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