Think about your child as a learner.

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Presentation on theme: "Think about your child as a learner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think about your child as a learner.
Thinking Routine Think about your child as a learner. Choose one colour, one symbol, and one image to represent your child as a learner. You will have 7 minutes.

2 Line up by birthday without speaking.
Cooperative Learning Line up by birthday without speaking.

3 Discussion Take turns to share the color you chose and discuss why.
Repeat this process with the symbol and image.

4 Some things that just happened
Thinking Routine To enhance comprehension and think metaphorically Use evidence to support ideas To identify themes and big ideas Collaboration Using body, oral, and written language to communicate Opportunities for building cultural proficiency Risk-taking: becoming confident of spirit

5 The Importance of Being Here!
School begins: 8:30 a.m. Absences-Due to the nature of inquiry learning, it is very important that your child is at school every day. It is difficult to send make-up work home as much of the things we do in class are not pencil and paper tasks.

6 Homework Students are responsible for copying assignments into their notebooks. Homework can also be found on our class website. Reading: Minimum of 20 minutes documented on reading log. Reading in both English and your native tongue is the most important learning a child can do at home. Please encourage your child to read!

7 Homework- continued Writing: Students will have a weekly learning journal reflection. This will be written in paragraph format and students will reflect on what they have learned or something they did in school. Word Study: 2 per week Math: 10 minutes of practice per day (, Everyday Math home connection pages, or math challenge project).

8 Specials Mondays and Fridays: PE. Students can wear sports clothes to school or bring a change of clothes. Have sneakers on gym days. Library on Thursdays

9 3M is Wired! Go to:
Once you visit our site, save it to your favorites! Daily Homework/Pictures of learning

10 Lithuanian A Questions
Ms. Jurga is on the 3rd floor if you have questions.

11 Curriculum Math-Everyday Mathematics
A unit letter will be ed to you at the beginning of each unit. This letter will explain key content and vocabulary for the unit, directions for games, and Do-Anytime Activities.

12 Curriculum- continued
Unit of Inquiry: A unit letter will be ed to you and posted on the website which includes information about our upcoming unit and key vocabulary words you can discuss with your child at home.

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