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Presentation on theme: "Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps

2 I. Map - flat diagram of the earth
A. Map Essentials 1. 4 items on all maps a. directional indicators 1. compass rose b. scales 1. represents distance a. miles and kilometers c. legend 1. explains symbols on a map a. colors, pictures d. title 1. topic of the map

3 B. Globes are the representation of our world
C. Distortion - when parts of a map are misrepresented 1. all maps have distortion. a. flat maps - distort size 1. more at higher latitudes 2. good for direction and shape

4 Different Types of Maps
- Political - Physical - Thematic - Inset

5 Political Maps - Political maps are identified by the
different colors for every continent, country, state, or county. - Different colors help show where borders start and stop. - Places that share a border must be different colors. - If you are looking for a country or a city this is your map.

6 Physical Maps Physical Maps show us where physical features are located on a map. - The items on a physical map will not be shown on a political Map. - If you are looking for a river or a mountain this is your map.

7 Thematic Maps Theme maps take a specific topic and show
Temperature and precipitation Thematic Maps Theme maps take a specific topic and show it on a map, such as climate zones, precipitation., etc… Some of the most popular theme maps are elevation as well As climate zones. Climate zones Tectonic plates

8 Inset Maps Inset maps take a specific region on
a map and enlarge it so that it is easier to view. Most U.S. maps show Hawaii and Alaska As inset maps.

9 C. Atlases 1. Book of maps 2. Types of Maps

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