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Take the inclusion test

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1 Take the inclusion test
Are you inclusive?

2 1. You see your friend sitting by himself on the playground
1. You see your friend sitting by himself on the playground. What should you do? Do you a)Walk up to him and pull him off the bench and get him to play? b)Do you ignore him and keep playing your own game? c)Walk up to him and ask him, does he feel like joining in your game?

3 c)Walk up to him and ask him, does he feel like joining in your game?
Answer: c)Walk up to him and ask him, does he feel like joining in your game?

4 2.You are at your friend’s birthday party and you are talking about Lego. You know your friend doesn’t have any Lego. Do you? a)Keeping talking about how awesome Lego is? b)Do you change what you are talking about so they can join in? c)Start playing a game of chasey?

5 b)Do you change what you are talking about so they can join in?
Answer: b)Do you change what you are talking about so they can join in?

6 c)Tell him he can’t play with you?
3.There is a boy in your class who uses a wheel chair to get around. You and your friends are playing UNO during recess and he wants to join in, but your are playing on the second storey of the building. Do you? a)Immediately, move your game to the floor level so that your friend can join in? b)Tell your friend that he can play next time when you guys are playing on the floor level? c)Tell him he can’t play with you?

7 Answer: a)Immediately, move your game to the floor level so that your friend can join in?

8 4.Your brother asks if he can borrow your football so that he and a friend can take it to the park. Do you? a)Ask if you are allowed to join them at the park? b)Just give them the ball? c)Grab the ball and run away?

9 a)Ask if you are allowed to join them at the park?
Answer: a)Ask if you are allowed to join them at the park?

10 a)Go to her house but don’t sleepover?
5.Your best friend has sister who is experiencing Down Syndrome. She often comes to your house for sleepovers but has invited you to her house for a sleepover sometime too. Do you? a)Go to her house but don’t sleepover? b) Go for a sleepover when she invites you? c)Don’t tell mum or dad about the invite?

11 b) Go for a sleepover when she invites you?
Answer: b) Go for a sleepover when she invites you?

12 Congratulations! Good job for completing the inclusion test. Keep working on being inclusive in every situation.

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