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English 9 Vocabulary Unit

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1 English 9 Vocabulary Unit

2 Politicize Example: The candidate was criticized when he tried to politicize the tragedy during the campaign. Definition: to make into a political issue

3 Geopolitical Example: A government today that ignores geopolitical concerns is doomed to have a great deal of difficulty in its relations with other countries. Definition: Relating to world politics

4 Policy Example: Though it was policy for the FBI to interview all those who had access to the stolen diamond, the agents didn’t follow these guidelines and so the security guard, who was the real culprit, was never caught. Definition: A course or plan of action

5 Cosmopolitan Example: As a cosmopolitan world traveler, the businesswoman felt comfortable gliding through the streets of Venice in a gondola, traveling through the bush country of Kenya, and driving in the center of Beijing. Definition: Common to the whole world; at home in all parts of the world or in many spheres of interest

6 Metropolis Example: Baltimore was considered a metropolis of Maryland for many years, as it was the chief harbor for the mid-Atlantic region, crucial to trade and commerce. Definition: a major city, especially the chief city of a country or region

7 Urban Example: His urban upbringing did not prepare him for living in the country—he was used to having people around at all times, not the isolation of his new farm. Definition: of, relating to, or located in a city or town

8 Urbane Example: His urbane demeanor, obvious in his designer clothes, custom made briefcase, and easy charm, made him stand out among the other men being interviewed for the position of sales director. Definition: Having polish, politeness, and suavity in manner or style; sophisticated

9 Suburb Example: It was cheaper to live in the suburb of Frederick than the city. Definition: a district lying immediately outside a city or town

10 Interurban Example: Interurban transportation is provided for senior citizens between D.C. and Baltimore. Definition: Located in or operating between two or more cities

11 Urbiculture Example: Using public transportation is a product of an urbiculture; in fact, in New York City, it is rare for a person to own his or her own car. Definition: The way of life characteristic of cities

12 Homework Use every vocabulary word in a sentence. The word’s sentence must demonstrate its meaning. Polis/Polit/Urb- to polish; improve; order; city, city as the site of political discourse

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