University of Louisiana at Lafayette Rules Education Meeting May 26, 2010 Camps/Clinics.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Louisiana at Lafayette Rules Education Meeting May 26, 2010 Camps/Clinics."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Rules Education Meeting May 26, 2010 Camps/Clinics

2 Camps and Clinics Two types of camps and clinics regulated by NCAA legislation: Institutional Non-institutional

3 Institutional Camps and Clinics NCAA – Bylaw 13.12.1 –

4 Institutional Camps and Clinics Definition: Shall be any camp or clinic that is owned or operated by a member institution or its athletics department staff members, either on or off its campus, and in which prospective student-athletes participate.

5 Institutional Camps and Clinics Purpose: Places special emphasis on a particular sport or sports and provides specialized instruction or practice and may include competition; or Involves activities designed to improve overall skills and general knowledge in the sport; or Offers a diversified experience without emphasis on instruction, practice or competition in any particular sport.

6 Institutional Camps and Clinics Other than Football: Institutions camp or clinic must be conducted on the institutions campus or within 100-mile radius of the institutions campus. Football: – Shall be conducted on institution s campus, within the state in which the institution is located or, if outside the state, within a 50-mile radius of the institution s campus.

7 Institutional Camps and Clinics - Basketball Educational Session - An institution's basketball sports camp or clinic must include an educational session presented in- person or in a video format detailing NCAA initial-eligibility standards and regulations related to gambling, agents and drug use to all camp and/or clinic participants.

8 Elite Camps – Mens Basketball On Oct. 29, 2009, the NCAA passed an interpretation that states a violation of NCAA Bylaws 13.11 and 13.12 would occur if an institutional or mens basketball staff members basketball camp offers a different participation, registration procedure, fee structure, advertisement and/or logistical experience (e.g., lodging, meals, transportation, or awards/mementos) than the other mens boys basketball camps operated by the institution or mens basketball staff.

9 Elite Camps – Mens Basketball Any attempt to limit camp enrollment will be a violation. You may provide an explanation of the specific instruction provided during each camp, but you may not discourage enrollment. The format of all camps should be similar. Fees imposed at each camp should be based on the same fee structure. Lodging, meals, and transportation should be similar for all camps.

10 Institutional Camps and Clinics - Time Period - Football: During two periods of 15-consecutive days during the months of June and July or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (e.g., May 28 through June 3). Basketball: During the months of June, July and August or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (e.g., May 28 through June 3). Sports other than Football and Basketball: Anytime during the year. NEVER during a DEAD period!

11 Institutional Camps and Clinics - Advertising - An institution may advertise or promote an institutional camp or clinic in any way (see also brochures and recruiting publications limitations), provided any camp or clinic advertisement or promotion (e.g., camp brochure, Web site, newspaper or magazine advertisement) stipulates that the camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).

12 Attendance Requirements Student-athletes may not enroll in own institution s camp or clinic. Football: A senior prospective student-athlete may not enroll, participate or be employed. A senior prospective student-athlete is one who is eligible for admission to a member institution or who has started classes for the senior year in high school. A preparatory school or two-year college student is considered to be a senior prospective student-athlete for purposes of this rule.

13 Recruiting Calendar Exceptions The interaction during sports camps and clinics between prospective student-athletes and those coaches employed by the camp or clinic is not subject to the recruiting calendar restrictions. However, an institutional staff member employed at any camp or clinic (e.g., counselor, director) is prohibited from recruiting any prospective student-athlete during the time period that the camp or clinic is conducted (from the time the prospective student-athlete reports to the camp or clinic until the conclusion of all camp activities).

14 Recruiting Calendar Exceptions The prohibition against recruiting includes extending verbal or written offers of financial aid to any prospective student-athlete during his or her attendance at the camp or clinic. Other coaches wishing to attend the camp as observers must comply with appropriate recruiting contact and evaluation periods.

15 Employment – Bylaw 13.12.2 –

16 Employment - Athletics Staff Members - Athletics staff members may be involved in their own or other institutional camps or clinics. Basketball Exception: Coaches and non-coaching staff members with basketball specific responsibilities may be employed only at his or her own institution s camps or clinics.

17 Employment - Athletics Staff Members - Camp/Clinic Providing Recruiting or Scouting Service: No athletics department staff member may be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) in any capacity by a camp or clinic established, sponsored, or conducted by an individual or organization that provides recruiting or scouting services concerning prospective student-athletes.

18 Employment - Athletics Staff Members - Volleyball It is NOT permissible for a coach or a non-coaching staff member with responsibilities specific to volleyball to be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) at an institutional camp or clinic or a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic that is conducted off the institutions campus during a quiet period. Effective: August 1, 2010

19 Employment - High School, Prep-School and Two-Year College Coaches - A member institution may employ a high school, preparatory school, or two-year college coach in which a prospective student-athlete is involved at its camp or clinic, provided: Must be paid the going rate (e.g., teaching ability and camp experience). May not be paid based on reputation or contact with prospective student-athletes. May not be paid based on the number of campers the coach sends to the camp.

20 Employment - Student-Athletes - Sports other than Football: – Perform general supervisory duties; – Must be paid the going rate; – May not be paid based on skill level or athletics reputation; – May not be compensated if only lecturing or demonstrating; – May not conduct own camp or clinic; and – May receive travel expenses, only if expenses are provided for all employees of the camp/clinic.

21 Employment - Student-Athletes - Football: May not be employed or volunteer at his own institutions camp or clinic. May only be employed in any camp that specializes in football, other than his own institutions camp, provided not more than one football student-athlete from any one Division I institution is employed. May be employed as a counselor in institutional diversified sports camp, provided not more than one student-athlete of the years previous football team is employed. NCAA Bylaw

22 Employment - Prospective Student-Athletes - May not employ: – Athletics award winner; or – A prospect being recruited by your institution, even if not an athletics award winner. – Four-year college transfer student-athletes (seeking to transfer to any institution) may not be employed. (They are considered senior PSAs)

23 Camp/Clinic Admissions

24 Camps Admissions - Free or Reduced Admissions - It is impermissible to provide free or reduced admission privileges to an athletics award winner or a prospect being recruited by your institution. A representative of an institution s athletic interests may not pay a prospective student-athlete s expenses to attend a member institution s sports camp or clinic.

25 Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics

26 Non-institutional Camps and Clinics - Definition - Not owned or operated by the institution or employee of the institution s athletics department. Member institution or conference may not host, sponsor or conduct a camp devoted to agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests at any location. (Bylaw The tests cannot be used for evaluation of the student- athletes, but rather strictly for instructional purposes.

27 Non-institutional Camps and Clinics - Employment - Sports other than Basketball: Athletics staff may serve in any capacity (e.g., counselor, guest lecturer, consultant) in a non- institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided it is operated under all restrictions for institutional camps. Football: Employment limited to same two periods of 15-consecutive days designated for conducting institutional camps. Men s and Women s Basketball: Coaches and non-coaching staff members with basketball specific responsibilities may not serve in any capacity at any camps other than their own institutional camp.

28 Non-institutional Camps and Clinics - Employment - An institution s athletics department personnel may serve in any capacity at a non-institutional camp or clinic provided the camp or clinic meets the following conditions: Designed to develop fundamental skills in a sport; Open to the general public (except for restrictions in age or number of participants); Conducted primarily for educational purposes and does not include material benefits for participants (e.g., awards, prizes, merchandise); Participants do not receive a recruiting presentation; and All participants reside in the same state in which the camp or clinic is located or, if outside of the state, within 100-miles of the camp or clinic.

29 Camp Brochures

30 Camp Brochures - Mailings - Camp brochures may be sent to prospective student-athletes anytime, including prior to the permissible recruiting materials date for a particular sport.

31 Camp Brochures - Contents - Not restricted in content or design. Brochures are restricted to a single, two-sided sheet, not to exceed 17 x 22 when opened in full. Student-athlete s name, picture and institutional affiliation may appear only in the camp counselor section to identify the student-athlete as a camp counselor. A student- athlete s name or picture may not be used in any other way to advertise or promote the camp. --(Bylaw – Rule applies to both institutional and non-institutional brochures.

32 Additional Considerations

33 Recruiting: Coaches are prohibited from recruiting (e.g., offering of financial aid) during the time period of camp. Awards: Prospective student-athletes may receive awards from a member institution s sports camp or clinic with the understanding that the cost of such awards is included in the admissions fees charged for participants in the camp or clinic.

34 Phone Calls Regarding Institutional Camp and Clinic Logistical Issues A telephone call to an individual (or his or her parents, guardians, relatives or coach) that relates solely to institutional camp and clinic logistical issues (e.g., missing registration information) is not subject to the restrictions on telephone calls, provided no recruiting conversation or solicitation of particular individuals to attend a camp or clinic occurs.

35 Additional Considerations Summer-Camp Advertisements: Institutions may not buy or arrange to have its camp or clinic advertisements in game programs or other printed materials published to provide information concerning the athletics participation or evaluation of prospective student-athletes (i.e., recruiting publications). – Bylaw

36 Additional Considerations Exceptions: Advertisements may be placed in a periodical (other than a high school, two-year college or nonscholastic game program) that includes a camp directory that meets the following requirements: – The size (not to exceed one-half page) and format of advertisements are identical; and – The camp directory must include multiple listings of summer camps on each page (at least two of the same size on each page).

37 Additional Considerations Monitoring Strategies: – The Assistant Athletic Director/Compliance must approve all camp brochures prior to printing. – The Printing Requisition for the camp brochures must also be signed by the Assistant Athletic Director/Compliance.

38 Trivia Questions

39 1) What must the educational session include for an institutions basketball sports camp or clinic? Answer: The educational session must include an educational session presented in-person or in a video format detailing NCAA initial-eligibility standards and regulations related to gambling, agents and drug use to all camp and/or clinic participants.

40 Trivia Questions 2) What camps or clinics are coaches and noncoaching staff members with basketball specific responsibilities allowed to work? Answer: Only at his or her own institution s camps or clinics.

41 Trivia Questions 3) What sport is prohibited from employing enrolled student-athletes at a camp or clinic? Answer: Football

42 Trivia Questions 4) It is not permissible for incoming student-athletes, freshmen or transfers, to work at institutional camps/clinics (True or False). Answer: True, only returning student-athletes may be employed at institutional camps/clinics.


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