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Paperless office or green management Presented by Adarsh kumar av.

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Presentation on theme: "Paperless office or green management Presented by Adarsh kumar av."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paperless office or green management Presented by Adarsh kumar av

2 INTRODUCTION *Concept introduced in the 1980s. *Office of the Future, one that requires little or no paper to do business. *Instead of paper, the paperless office would use moder n technology to accomplish all of the same goals. *Going Paperless can make documentation and Information sharing easier, keep personal informationmore secure and help the environment.

3 REALITY * Paper is the number one material thrown away and also one of the biggest polluting industries. * Companies interested in reducing cost and building business sustainability are actively pursuing PAPERLESS OFFICE. * While a completely 100% paperless office may be unattainable, a few decisive steps applied over the time can dramatically reduce if not eliminate the vast majority of paper in office.

4 Why Go Paperless 1.Saves Time 2.Saves Money 3.Saves Space 4.Improves Security 5.Boosts Company Image

5 * Use scan to e-mail instead of faxing. * Commit to all online banking : invoicing, statements, and payments. * Engage your clients as well as your suppliers in utilizing technology to reduce paper consumption. * File Taxes Electronically. * If you must print, print to both sides or use single sided paper as scarp paper * E-Brochure v/s Printed Brochure * Use social media tools(Dropbox, google Drive) * Replace paper napkins with cloth material. Solutions

6 Paperless school management system Student Profiling Online Admissions Fees & Installments Parent Communication Library Management Live Chat Forums

7 Thank you

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