7.2 Why tell the truth when a lie will do?

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1 7.2 Why tell the truth when a lie will do?
Be Honest

2 The Eighth Commandment
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” Truthfulness is the foundation of all trusting relationships - it is necessary for community When we are untruthful we insult our own dignity, the dignity of others and we deny God

3 Esphesians 4:25 “So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbours, for we are members of one another,” Because we are all members of one body of Christ, we have a duty to share the truth with one another so that all of us may benefit

4 The right to know the truth doesn’t always mean the right to know every truth.
People do not have the right to know anything private about someone unless this knowledge would benefit the common good. Some people such as doctors, lawyers and priests must keep private information that is disclosed to them discreet and private (confidentiality)

5 When is it good to not reveal the truth?
When doing so will needlessly harm an individual or take away his or her right to privacy When doing so may be dangerous or destructive When it breaks a confidence

6 All truth comes from God and whatever comes from God is true.
God’s truth is revealed through Scripture and in creation, but above all in Jesus. We will know the truth if we follow Jesus. Charity (love) and respect for the truth should help us to decide how to answer any request for information

7 What is Untruthful? Lying is the most obvious and direct way of denying or distorting the truth. All of the following may be seen as breaking the eighth commandment: lying, boasting and bragging, flattery, praise or silence in response to sinful actions, gossiping, spreading rumours and making judgments on the basis of rumours or gossip

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