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II. Electron Cloud Model Orbital Energy Levels Bohr Model Diagrams

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1 II. Electron Cloud Model Orbital Energy Levels Bohr Model Diagrams
Atomic Structure II. Electron Cloud Model Orbital Energy Levels Bohr Model Diagrams

2 A. Orbital Region where there is 90% probability of finding an electron. Can’t pinpoint the location of an electron. Density of dots represents degree of probability.

3 A. Orbital Orbitals have different shapes.

4 B. Energy Levels Electrons can only exist at certain energy levels.
Low energy levels are close to the nucleus. Each energy level (n) can hold 2n2 electrons.

5 C. Bohr Model Diagrams Simplified energy levels using Bohr’s idea of circular orbits. Can replace with: 3p 4n Lithium Atomic #: 3 Mass: # of p: 3 # of e: 3 # of n: 4 e- e- p n Maximum e- Level 1 2e- Level 2 8e- Level 3 18e- Level 4 32e- e-

6 C. Bohr Model Activity Choose a number between 1 & 18.
Find your element by the atomic number you picked. Draw a Bohr Model diagram for your element on your marker board. Round off the mass listed on the table and subtract the atomic # to find the # of neutrons. Abbreviate the # of ‘p’ and ‘n’ in the nucleus. Have a partner check your drawing. Repeat with a new element.

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