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Homework on Urban Change - Rio

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1 Homework on Urban Change - Rio
What is urbanisation? The increasing growth of cities like Manchester and Rio de Janeiro as people move from rural (countryside) areas. Megacities are cities with over 10 million people living in them e.g. Rio de Janeiro Distribution Increasing number of megacities in LIC and NEE countries e.g. India and Brazil. Highest % urban is in HIC countries in northern hemisphere e.g. western Europe and North America at 75 – 100% urbanisation. Lowest is in central Africa with 0-25% Push & Pull factors are the reasons why people are leaving rural areas and moving to cities. This is causing rapid urbanisation in LICs and NEEs Natural increase (when the birth rate is higher than the death rate) is also causing rapid urbanisation in LICs and NEEs. In HICs lower birth rates and death rates means that growth is slower. Homework on Urban Change - Rio 1. Go through and highlight important information. 2. Produce a revision card on the outline. 3. Answer the Exam question

2 Suggest why there is an increasing number of mega cities in LICs compared to HICs (6 marks)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marks 1-3 Simple statements about LIC / HIC. Some reference to push / pull factors. Limited explanation Marks 4-6 Names specific push / pull factors and explains why this is creating an increase in megacities. May refer to slow natural increase in HICs

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