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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Diagram of a Crayfish Vocab Experiments Crayfish Parts Random
Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Name this part

4 Pincer Pincer

5 Name this part

6 Antennae

7 Name this part

8 Abdomen

9 Name this part

10 Walking Legs

11 Name this part

12 Swimmerets

13 Vocab Being active at night.

14 $100 Answer from Category 2 Nocturnal

15 Animals that eat decaying matter.
Vocab Animals that eat decaying matter.

16 $200 Answer from Category 2 Scavengers

17 A trait you have because you are born with it.
Vocab A trait you have because you are born with it.

18 $300 Answer from Category 2 Inherited Trait

19 $400 Question from Category 2
Treating an animal in a way that Keeps it from suffering

20 $400 Answer from Category 2 Humane Treatment

21 $500 Question from Category 2
When an animals body temperature Changes with the temperature surrounding it.

22 $500 Answer from Category 2 Cold Blooded

23 $100 Question from Category 3 DOUBLE JEOPARDY
How did the crayfish respond to Being disturbed?

24 $100 Answer from Category 3 Or 2. Ran away 3. Hid
1. Put their pincers up Or 2. Ran away 3. Hid

25 $200 Question from Category 3
What was one thing we did to treat the crayfish Humanely?

26 Handled them carefully
$200 Answer from Category 3 Gave them food and water Handled them carefully

27 $300 Question from Category 3
How did we set up our habitat like A crayfish’s real habitat?

28 $300 Answer from Category 3 1. Water 2. Homes 3. Sand

29 $400 Question from Category 3
How did we test the hearing of a crayfish?

30 $400 Answer from Category 3 Clapped

31 $500 Question from Category 3
What was one trait we used to tell our Crayfish apart?

32 $500 Answer from Category 3 Their Sizes

33 $100 Question from Category 4
Crayfish breathe through these

34 $100 Answer from Category 4 Gills

35 $200 Question from Category 4 DOUBLE JEOPARDY
Crayfish use these to sense and feel

36 $200 Answer from Category 4 Antennae

37 $300 Question from Category 4
The 3 main body parts of a crayfish

38 Head, Thorax, and Abdomen
$300 Answer from Category 4 Head, Thorax, and Abdomen

39 $400 Question from Category 4
The hard outershell

40 $400 Answer from Category 4 Exoskeleton

41 $500 Question from Category 4
The part of the crayfish that hold eggs

42 $500 Answer from Category 4 Swimmerets

43 $100 Question from Category 5
If a crayfish loses a pincer it can grow a New one. This is called….

44 $100 Answer from Category 5 Regeneration

45 $200 Question from Category 5
What is one trait you acquired from your parents?

46 Ex: Hair color, eye color, height….etc
$200 Answer from Category 5 Ex: Hair color, eye color, height….etc

47 $300 Question from Category 5
A crayfish will shed or (_______) its exoskeleton

48 $300 Answer from Category 5 Molt

49 $400 Question from Category 5
The environment where an animal Lives…

50 $400 Answer from Category 5 Habitat

51 $500 Question from Category 5 DOUBLE JEOPARDY
A crayfish uses these to catch food

52 $500 Answer from Category 5 Pincer

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