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African Americans’ Civil War

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Presentation on theme: "African Americans’ Civil War"— Presentation transcript:

1 African Americans’ Civil War
Testing the Bounds of Freedom: Slaves Challenging the rules Loyalty and escape Emancipation Proclamation: January 1, 1863 “Contraband” Confiscation Acts Antietam/Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation Havens and Hellholes: Contraband Camps Freedman’s Village Rehearsal for Reconstruction: Sea Islands Christian Soldiers White officers/black men 54th Massachusetts Emancipation in the Confederacy

2 Map of Freedman’s Village, Arlington, Va.

3 Illustration of Freedman’s Village

4 “Contrabands” in Virginia

5 “Song of the Contrabands”

6 “First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation” (1864)

7 Adalbert Volck, “Writing the Emancipation Proclamation”

8 Thomas Waterman Wood A Bit of War History: The Contraband

9 A Bit of War History: The Recruit

10 A Bit of War History: The Veteran

11 Fort Wagner, 1863

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