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What do we know about forces?

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Presentation on theme: "What do we know about forces?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we know about forces?

2 1. Let’s think back! When the rocket is moving in space, what happens if the engine is turned off? What happens if it stays on? How does the rocket stop? What does this tell you about the forces on the rocket? When are the forces balanced? Can you describe when the rocket is moving and has balanced forces? Can you describe when the rocket is moving and the forces are not balanced?

3 2. Parachute Percy Think about the forces acting on Percy. At what points in his story is he not moving? What can you say about the forces acting on him at these points? When is he moving at a steady speed? What can you say about the forces at these points? When is he accelerating? When is he decelerating? What can you say about the forces at these points?

4 3. Odd one out A motorbike doing a steady 60mph on the motorway
A boy going faster and faster downhill on his scooter A supermarket trolley moving steadily along the aisle A supermarket trolley that is not moving. Which situation do you think is the odd one out? Why have you chosen this one? What can you say about the forces in each situation? Can you describe if they are balanced or not?

5 4. Plenary The forces on a moving object are balanced when ….
How could you complete this sentence? What do you know about forces on moving objects? What evidence can you think of to support your choice of sentence ending? Does the whole group agree with the sentence ending you have chosen? What is the best ending your group can create?

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