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MISC MISC MISC MISC MISC MISC 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200

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1 MISC MISC MISC MISC MISC MISC 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

2 What subjects did the National Defense Education Act stress?
math, science, foreign lanugage

3 What year did Americans first land on the moon?

4 Who coined the term the Iron Curtain to describe the line between Communist and non-Communist countries in Europe? Winston Churchill

5 He ordered a naval blockade around Cuba.
What was Kennedy’s first response to the Cuban Missile Crisis when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba? He ordered a naval blockade around Cuba.

6 Why did Stalin want Eastern Europe to become Communist after WWII?
He wanted a buffer zone between Europe and Russia to protect Russia from future attacks.

7 Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?
John Glenn

8 to try to get Castro overthrown by hurting Cuba’s economy
Why did we begin a trade embargo on sugar coming from Cuba in the 1960’s? to try to get Castro overthrown by hurting Cuba’s economy

9 Our quality of living improved in America.
What has been the effect of the space program and new technology on the people of the U.S.? Our quality of living improved in America.

10 How did the geography of Vietnam affect the fighting in the Vietnam War?
Fighting in the jungles helped the Vietcong, & it hurt American soldiers.

11 Why did some people believe the Rosenbergs were unfairly treated?
They were Jewish.

12 What was the process of making South Vietnam take over more of the war while withdrawing U.S. soldiers? Vietnamization

13 What began the space race?
launch of Sputnik I

14 to look for disloyal Americans
What was the main goal of the House of Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s? to look for disloyal Americans

15 What was an attempt to prevent another war like the undeclared Vietnam Conflict?
War Powers Act

16 Where were 4 students killed for demonstrating against the Vietnam War?
Kent State

17 What was the main purpose of the G.I. Bill after WWII?
It gave soldiers money for a college education.

18 After the Tet Offensive, what did the American news programs do?
openly criticized the war effort

19 Where did we invade in the Korean War to cut the North Koreans off from their supplies?

20 What were the 3 main reasons that we could not win the Vietnam War?
Ho Chi Minh had too much fame & power; the anti-war movement was too strong; & U.S. soldiers didn’t know enough about the enemy & the geography.

21 Who was the won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Vietnam for saving wounded soldiers while being wounded himself? Roy Bevavidez

22 How did rock ‘n’ roll cause in families in the U.S.?
a generation gap over the different views of teens and their parents

23 What ended the Vietnam War?
the fall of Saigon

24 What 3 ways did people protest the Vietnam War?
burning draft cards, moving out of the country to keep from being drafted, and protested in the streets

25 Who was the leader of U. S. and U. N
Who was the leader of U.S. and U.N. forces at the beginning of the Korean War? Douglas MacArthur

26 How are the endings of the Korean and Vietnam Wars alike?
We didn’t win either war.

27 What turned the public against America’s involvement in Vietnam?
graphic news stories on television

28 What ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam and brought our soldiers home?
Paris Peace Accords

29 What was the Baby Boom’s effect on the U.S. economy?
We had to produce more products for the growing population.

30 What was the network of paths through the jungle that was a supply line for the Vietnamese Communists? Ho Chi Minh Trail

31 What was the main goal of NATO?
to protect our allies from Communism

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