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Lesson 36 Mutations Cont..

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1 Lesson 36 Mutations Cont.

2 Activator Lk What was shown at the end of the video? Why do you think the producer add in that scene?

3 Activator LI
1)  Please describe what you saw in the clip, include words such as DNA, double helix, and bases. 2)  Predict if Peter Parker will change after this incident, if so will this change be beneficial or damaging?

4 Activator 6SM
Based on the evidenced gathered does a change in DNA sequence affect the characteristics (i.e. physical traits) of living things?  Please support claim with evidence gathered from the video.

5 Not all Mutations are Bad
Some mutations are beneficial Mutation: permanent change in DNA

6 Malaria Resistance Hemoglobin mutation called HbS
Makes red blood cells take on a curved, sickle-like shape. With one copy, it confers resistance to malaria Two copies, it causes the illness of sickle-cell anemia.

7 Increased Bone Density
Gene LRP5 Genetic Mutation called sclerosteosis Humans born with bones several times denser than the average human

8 Super Sprinter Gene ACTN3
Controls fast-twitch muscle fibers and flexing 20% of population has mutated gene making them superior athletes

9 Almond Trees Almond seeds from wild species contain amygdalin (bitter chemical that converts into cyanide inside the human body) A single gene mutation resulted in a variety that no longer synthesizes amygdalin. When humans discovered this non-bitter almond species, they cultivated them, which is continued till today.

10 Brain Break Mutations

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