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Chapter 11 (pg 368-399) What is a Vertebrate?.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 (pg 368-399) What is a Vertebrate?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 (pg ) What is a Vertebrate?

2 Characteristics of Chordates
1. Vertebrates are members of the phylum Chordata. *Not all chordates have a backbone. Example: Lancelets

3 2. What is a vertebrate? A vertebrate has a backbone that is part of an internal skeleton Also known as Endoskeleton!

4 Chordate Characteristics
3. All chordates in some point of their lives have 3 characteristics: A. Notochord Flexible rod that supports a chordate’s back B. Nerve cord that runs down the back Message transportation highway C. Slits in throat area Also known as pharyngeal

5 Characteristics of Vertebrates
4. Another name for the backbone is the spine. 5. The backbone is made up of similar bones called vertebrae.

6 Characteristics of Vertebrates
Exoskeleton vs endoskeleton EXO skeleton is on the outside (EXIT!) ENDOskeleton is on the inside (N = IN) What’s the benefit of having skeleton?

7 What’s the difference between Ectotherm Vs Endotherm?

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