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Linking the studies to the areas and taglines

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Presentation on theme: "Linking the studies to the areas and taglines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking the studies to the areas and taglines
These questions are looking for knowledge of BOTH sides the area / perspective / tagline AND the study. You can SHOW your knowledge of the 1st when you write the detail of the 2nd.

2 Knowing what the area believes
Biological Cognitive Developmental Social Individual Differences Behaviourist perspective Psychodynamic perspective Medical Model

3 Which area / perspective?
Developmental believes that behaviour is caused by level of development reached (age / experience). These levels or stages are predetermined and are inevitable.

4 Which area / perspective?
Social All human behaviour occurs in a social context and is influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Other people & the environment influence our behaviour and thought processes.

5 Which area / perspective?
Psychodynamic Behaviour is influenced by the interaction (dynamism) of drives and forces within the personality (psyche). A lot of behaviour is due to the unconscious personality. Personality is shaped by relationships, experience and conflict over time, particularly during childhood.

6 Which area / perspective?
Behaviourist believe that Psychology is a science and the only way to be objective is to observe / measure behaviour (i.e. not infer anything about mental processes).

7 Which area / perspective?
Cognitive states that internal mental processes are important in understanding behaviour. Humans are like information processors, with information being inputted, processed together with schemas, PEI and outputted. The output or behaviour is due to the mental processing which occurs.

8 Which area / perspective?
Medical Model Mental health problems are due to physiological reasons – the body (B.C.G) is causing the behaviour and the only way to treat it is the medical methods, such as medication.

9 Which area / perspective?
Individual Differences All behaviour can be measured to identify the differences between every human. Psychologists just have to be thoughtful to HOW they will measure the behaviours.

10 1. Practice a decent definition of each area and perspective in timed conditions

11 Knowing what the area believes – even if it is paper 3
Has 3 Key studies for IMH 1 links to the biological area (medical model)

12 Knowing what the area believes – even if it is paper 3
The Medical Model is in the Biological area, because it is a WAY of explaining behaviour – mental health specifically AND sees that all psychological behaviour is a consequence of physiology

13 2. Make sure your summary of Gottesman relates to this Medical Model

14 Knowing which areas the key studies belong to for Child and Crime
Each have 6 key studies 2 each are biological 2 are cognitive 2 are social

15 3. Child and Crime: Link debates to the areas
Biological – nature/nurture Cognitive – methodological issues Social – individual / situational

16 Assess the nature / nurture debate with reference to … Intelligence
Plan your 15 mark answers Assess the nature / nurture debate with reference to … Intelligence Pre-adult brain development What makes a criminal The collection of forensic evidence

17 Discuss the methodological issues of researching
Plan your 15 mark answers Discuss the methodological issues of researching Perceptual development Cognitive development The collection of evidence from witnesses Psychology and the courtroom

18 Discuss the individual / situational debate with reference to
Plan your 15 mark answers Discuss the individual / situational debate with reference to Development of attachment Impact of advertising on children Crime prevention Effects of imprisonment

19 Know the taglines for the Core Studies
Only for paper 2 and only 10 of them Try to work out what they are describing / think of synonyms

20 Another word or phrase to describe the tagline
Responses to people in authority Obey / follow / disobey

21 Another word or phrase to describe the tagline
Responses to people in need Help / Assist

22 Another word or phrase to describe the tagline
External influences on children’s behaviour Who / What affects kids

23 Another word or phrase to describe the tagline
Moral Development Right and wrong

24 Another word or phrase to describe the tagline
Knowing what phobias / autism is like Understanding Disorders

25 After writing about the area / perspective / tagline, show the aim / conclusion of the core study

26 Know the aim / conclusion of the study
Loftus Memory is distorted by PEI

27 Know the aim / conclusion of the study
Kohlberg There are set stages which people all around the world go through in order as part of their moral development

28 Know the aim / conclusion
Mental Illness is a myth and there have been improvements in care for those with MHP, but there is still room for improvement Szasz

29 Know the aim / conclusion
It is a situation that produces extremely strong tendencies to obey. Milgram

30 Know the aim / conclusion
Behaving in a moral manner is challenging for people even when this reaction seems the simplest to follow. Bocchiaro

31 Know the aim / conclusion
What people believe they will do is quite different from what they actually do. Piliavin

32 Know the aim / conclusion
The overall levels of helping across cultures negatively correlate to a country's economic productivity Levine

33 4. Learn the conclusions of all 20 Core and 15 Key studies

34 Shows that Illustrated by Evidence that
Linking words Shows that Illustrated by Evidence that

35 Linking to a perspective AND an area
Tricky ones Linking to a perspective AND an area

36 There are 5 Core Studies that are in an area AND a perspective
Tricky ones There are 5 Core Studies that are in an area AND a perspective

37 Bandura and Chaney Freud, Kohlberg and Hancock
Tricky ones Bandura and Chaney Freud, Kohlberg and Hancock

38 Linking to a perspective AND an area
Explain why Freud is placed in the Individual Differences area. [4] Explain why Freud shows the psychodynamic perspective. [4]

39 Linking to a perspective AND an area
Explain why Hancock is placed in the Individual Differences area. [4] Explain why Hancock shows the psychodynamic perspective. [4]

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