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Presentation on theme: "Variations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variations

2 What is a variation? How do we vary things in everyday life?
How can we vary ideas in Music?

3 Listening 1 First, listen to the original version – do you recognise it? Now the variations – what is different about them?

4 Listening 2 How is the tune varied by the composer?
List ALL the ways you hear.

5 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
You are going to use this tune and play through the different variations on the workcard. You will perform at the end of the lesson so make sure you practice carefully!

6 Listening 3 Listen to this piece of music by Mahler.
What instruments do you hear? Do you recognise the tune? What has been changed in this version?

7 Frere Jacques You are inventing your own variations on this melody.
You will work in pairs or alone if you prefer. You will play for me: The original melody Your Variation 1 Your Variation 2 Your Variation 3 We will have some mini-performances today. The major performance will be very soon!

8 Final performance of your variations
You will have time to rehearse in pairs. I will then hear your work and mark it.

9 Evaluation Questions Was the piece of music successful?
What were its strong points? What were its weaker points, and how could it have been improved? Did the piece fulfil the task requirements? Specify? Answer these questions about your group and yourself. Did your group have a leader, or was it run democratically? Did you feel that your were playing a part in your group that matched your ability as a musician? Explain.

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