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Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior?

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1 Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior?
Do Now: Write your name on the sheet given to you when you walked in. I will read three definitions that were either in the powerpoint from last night or were in the lesson yesterday. Write down the term that is being defined. Homework Read the powerpoint on the website for tomorrow Learning assignment due by Wednesday, Dec. 23

2 Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior?
Michael went to the hospital for appendicitis. The nurse gave him what he thought was normal Jell-, but it was actually with crushed antibiotics (that were nasty) and Michael threw up. Now, every time Michael tastes Jell-O he gags and therefore cannot enjoy the tasty snack  US UR CS CR

3 Who was Little Albert? What was his story?
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Who was Little Albert? What was his story?

4 Conditioning Examples
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Conditioning Examples

5 Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior?
Activity 1 Pavlov showed that dogs would react to a bell in a manner similar to how they react to food. Advertisers are doing much the same thing when they try to sell you a product – they try to get you to associate some positive image with their product, in hopes that you will have a positive reaction to the product. Typically, the UCS in an advertisement is some stimulus that elicits an emotional reaction (an attractive face, images of family, humor, etc.). The CS is the product. The goal of the advertiser is to associate the UCR with their product, thus creating a CR, which will in turn get you to purchase their product. . Analyze the ad in classical conditioning terms. Identify the UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR.

6 Practice Multiple Choice 1
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Practice Multiple Choice 1 A group of ranchers attempts to discourage coyotes from attacking their sheep by placing a substance on the wool of the sheep that makes coyotes violently ill if they eat it. Very quickly, the coyotes avoid the sheep entirely. In this scenario, what are the UCS, CS and CR respectively? A. The substance, the sheep’s wool, aversion to the sheep B. The sheep’s wool, the substance, aversion to sheep C. Aversion to sheep, the substance, the sheep’s wool D. The coyotes, the sheep’s wool, aversion to sheep E. The substance, the sheep’s wool, the coyotes

7 Practice Multiple Choice 2
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Practice Multiple Choice 2 The same ranchers discover that now not only will the coyotes not attack the treated sheep but also they will not attack nearby sheep. This is an example of A. Extinction B. Discrimination C. Generalization D. Spontaneous Recovery E. Chaining

8 Practice Multiple Choice 3
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Practice Multiple Choice 3 In John Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment, what was the UCS? A. The white rat B. The little boy C. Anything white and furry D. The loud noise E. Fear

9 Practice Multiple Choice 4
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Practice Multiple Choice 4 Which of the following is true of classical conditioning? A. UCS produces the UCR B. CR produces the CS C. UCR produces the CS D. CS produces the UCS E. UCR produces the UCS

10 Practice Multiple Choice 5
Aim: How does classical conditioning impact behavior? Practice Multiple Choice 5 Dylan’s mother buys him a sailor’s cap before they go on a family fishing trip. On the boat, Dylan gets nauseated and vomits. The next day he gets nauseated just from looking at the sailor’s cap. The sailor’s cap has become A. The unconditioned stimulus B. The conditioned stimulus C. The conditioned response D. The unconditioned response E. The reconditioned stimulus

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