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Transition: Food Fuels

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1 Transition: Food Fuels


3 CARBOHYDRATES (CHO) Food sources: Converted to glucose
Breads Pasta Cereals Rice Fruit (some) Converted to glucose Stored as glycogen in muscles and liver Major source of ATP production during exercise Do not require oxygen Fast/simply breakdown for energy release

4 FATS (triglycerides) Food sources Converted to fatty acids
Dairy products Meat Vegetable oils Nuts Converted to fatty acids Stored as trigylcerides in fat cells located throughout the body and within skeletal muscles Primary source of ATP under resting conditions, used as a secondary source of energy during exercise Required oxygen to break it down Provides much more energy compared with CHO

5 PROTEIN (a.a.’s) Food Source The building blocks of tissue
Meat Fish Dairy products eggs The building blocks of tissue Basic structural units of proteins are amino acids Found in muscle fibres and cell tissue Not ordinarily used as a food fuel during exercise (negligeable %), however may occur in ultra-endurance events

6 FUEL STORED AS SITE CHO glucose blood glycogen liver muscles FATS fatty acids blood triglycerides muscles adipose tissue around body PROTEIN muscles around body amino acids

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