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Era 2-American revolution vocabulary

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1 Era 2-American revolution vocabulary

2 Words 1-6 Boycott – refusal to buy certain products
Repeal - to take away. Example: Stamp Act Sons of Liberty – Samuel Adams began this group to protest British taxes and rule. Daughters of Liberty – women that formed a group to protest British rule and taxes Propaganda – information designed to influence an opinion Common Sense – a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. It was designed to influence people to protest and fight British laws and rules

3 Words 7-10 Revenue – incoming money, this helped to pay the kings debt. Resolution – a formal expression of opinion. Committee of Correspondence – committee that circulated letters about the colonists grievances about Britain Continental Congress – September 1774, 55 men went to Philadelphia to organize a political government to represent American interests and challenge British control

4 Words 11-15 2nd Continental Congress – the Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation were drafted at this meeting. Militia – group of civilians trained to fight in an emergency Minutemen - militia men that were ready to fight in a minutes notice. Loyalist / Tories – supporters of Britain during the Revolution Patriots – Supporters of the colonies during the revolution

5 Words 16-19 Petition – a formal request
Unalienable rights – fundamental rights or natural rights given to people naturally instead of by law. Examples in the Declaration of Independence are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Taxation – the act of taxing Revolution – fundamental change

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