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Senior Project Tracey Pickel.

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1 Senior Project Tracey Pickel

2 Tracey Ann Pickel Marching Band Member Determined Outgoing Brave Funny
Loyal Intelligent Daughter Sister Friend


4 Attend College of Charleston
My 13th year plan Attend College of Charleston Psychology Major

5 College of Charleston

6 Leo Carroll Professor at University of Rhode Island
Teaches Sociology and Anthropology

7 Details What are the courses I need to take in college?
Major in Psychology and minor in Criminology/Criminal justice, also develop a proficiency in at least one language other than English. How many years of schooling would I need? You should pursue a masters degree if you want to interpret test . But to do therapy and work with patients you would need a PH.D so I suggest that.

8 How it went… My interview wasn’t so successful because the guy was very biased about the career I told him I wanted pursue. He was trying to defer me away from the idea of becoming a Criminal Psychologist He also wasn’t even in my career field, he is a professor that teaches Sociology

9 Money!

10 What I will have to pay for
Expenses for attending college: Tuition Room & Board Food Books Entertainment Personal Items Transportation/Gas

11 Budget for my 13th year Tuition: $21,176 Books: $1,522 Housing: $6,999
Other: $7,058 Total: $36,755

12 How will it happen? I have $5000 so far in scholarships
Get a part time job and bring in around $200 a week. -10,400 a year Apply for Financial Aid Left to Pay : $21,355

13 Looking Back… Best Works: My sonnet, I made another poem based off the sonnet called “Seen as a Sin” Speakers: JA Career Success and Family Trust Community Service: Oak Dale Fall Festival, International Festival, Cheer for Children

14 Starting my 13th Plan I am taking Psychology 101 and Criminal Justice 101 second semester Save Graduation money Summer Job Go to college Get a part time job while I’m in college

15 Reflection Overall Senior project and how it has helped me.

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