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Description and Narration

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1 Description and Narration
by Limairi Sanchez, Justin Velarde, Mia Combe and Damien Broadhead

2 What is a Descriptive Narrative?
a story (narrative) with plenty of descriptive adjectives (description) in an essay format coherent integration (proper use) of the description of the five senses. What you taste, smell, touch, see, or hear I fixed it

3 Be Creative! Use your imagination, engage your audience Make stuff up
If you don't know, describe what you imagine something would taste, smell, feel, look, or sound like *Figurative language is a key tool in writing a great descriptive narrative essay* Become a master of imagery! Set the scene

4 Necessary Elements of Your Essay
Remember, this essay is close to the equivalent of telling your own story or experience. So Descriptive and Narrative Essays consist of all story elements! Include: a plot, characters, a setting, a climax, and even dialogue Make sure to use sensory details and vocabulary to create a vivid atmosphere Involving your reader is a key element to writing an effective Narrative BUT! Remember that being clear and concise is important! Don’t get too carried away with painting a vibrant picture that your writing becomes unclear.

5 What does a great essay look like?
Notice the amount of descriptive language used. A great essay successfully describes ALL the senses (or most) Look at how the author begins and concludes with the same main idea. Your conclusion DOESN’T just RESTATE the introduction Observe how the author integrates figurative language. Don’t underestimate SIMILES and METAPHORS.

6 How to Structure a Descriptive/Narrative Essay
Introduction- Introduce characters, conflict, setting, provide background information, provide exposition… Rising Action- Describe the character’s attempts to solve conflict, describe complications that arise, introduce new characters, describe other events Climax- Describe the character’s confrontation of the conflict, story is at its height Falling Action- Describe the aftermath of the climax Conclusion- Tie up loose ends

7 How are Description and Narration Related?
• You cannot have a Descriptive essay without narration, or vice versa • The essay would be extremely weak if you had only one component, it would be the equivalent of writing at a kindergarten level • The reason Description and Narration are so equivalent is because to describe a scene is to take an uninterfering role in the image, and to narrate a story is to take an uninterfering role in the events being described.

8 Sources Used:

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