Fluid Power Project: Hydraulics

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1 Fluid Power Project: Hydraulics
-Maccoy Merrell and Zachary Stinson

2 What are Hydraulics? Hydraulics are systems that transfer energy/work through water or other aqueous substances. Some examples of these systems are convertible cars, Levi’s project, and drawbridges.

3 Why Hydraulics? Hydraulics provide many advantages over pneumatics, such as… Adjustable extension length Superior extending power Cheaper Easier to perform maintenance on

4 Scissor Lifts – Our Design
Scissor lifts are an ingenious contraption that allows upward mobility when providing a horizontal force. It is composed of two simple machines, the lever and the axle. Axle Lever

5 PROBLEMS: Why? While scissor lifts are an ingenious design, they are a severe pain to mount. This is due to the fact that every piece of the scissor lift must move in order to function, so it can’t be simply mounted. Other than that, many moving parts adds mass and friction to the design Sealing system Scissor Lift Friction Scissor Lift weight Scissor Lift Mounting Clamps Levi’s Presentation

6 Calculations – Our Design
Weight: 1.25 lbs Area: Inches PSI = 6.02 PSI IMA = 1 AMA = Approx. .8 Efficiency: 80%

7 Works Cited electrical jpg 78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_14928.jpg utlass/ /lrmp_1012_03_o%2B1987_oldsmobile_cutlass%2Bhydraulics. jpg Shwartz, J. (n.d.). Designing a Hydraulic Scissor Lift. Retrieved March 26, 2015, from technical-design-scenery-mechanisms-and-special-effects-spring- 2004/assignments/scissor.pdf Brain, M. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2015, from equipment/hydraulic1.htm (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2015, from

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