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Mechanical Advantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanical Advantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanical Advantage

2 What does it mean to be in rotational equilibrium?
All torques are balanced The lever is not rotating

3 If in rotational equilibrium:

4 Mechanical Advantage A measure of how much easier the machine makes a task Ratio of output force to input force Known as force amplification

5 Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA)
The mechanical advantage the machine will provide if all conditions are perfect No friction, no wear, all forces applied in the proper directions

6 Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA)
The mechanical advantage the machine provides when used Forces are measured

7 If the force is transmitted perfectly (100% efficient)
If the force is not transmitted perfectly

8 Copy Table 1 from Pg 88 in text

9 IMA - Pulley IMA of a pulley is based on the number of strands supporting the mass

10 How effective a machine is at transforming an input into an output
% Efficiency How effective a machine is at transforming an input into an output

11 Example 1: The following pulley system carries a mass of 30.0kg.
Calculate: Actual Mechanical Advantage Ideal Mechanical Advantage % Efficiency FE= 100N


13 Example 2: A pulley system has a 20.0kg load attached to it. The load arm is 50.0cm, the effort arm is 200cm and the effort force is 60N. Calculate: FL AMA IMA % Efficiency

14 Example 2: In the attached picture,

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