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Starter Question: Why should Seniors study Government?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Question: Why should Seniors study Government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Question: Why should Seniors study Government?
September 29, 2013

2 I will review for the 1st test on Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Objective September 29, 2013 I will review for the 1st test on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

3 Unit I Test will be on October 2, 2013
Civics Review Unit I Test will be on October 2, 2013

4 Sovereignty Population Territory Government Recognition
What are the four characteristics of a state? What is the “unofficial” characteristic of a state? Sovereignty Population Territory Government Recognition

5 List 5 examples of Third World countries according to political freedom
North Korea Somalia Sudan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan

6 Define direct democracy. Define indirect democracy
Define direct democracy. Define indirect democracy. Give country examples of each one Direct - individuals have immediate say over many decisions that the government makes – Switzerland, Greece Indirect - elected officials represent the people – United States, Canada

7 List the leaders of the following countries:
a. United Kingdom – David Cameron b. United States – Barack Obama c. Russia – Vladimir Putin d. Saudi Arabia – King Abdullah e. China - Xi Jinping

8 What is nationalism? the sense of belonging and identifying that distinguishes one nation from another

9 Describe the differences between a presidential and a parliamentary government relationships.  

10 Define Political Culture
refers to the collection of political beliefs, values, practices, and institutions that the government is based on

11 What was the Cold War? An intense economic, political, military, and ideological rivalry between nations, short of military conflict

12 What is imperialism? The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies

13 What is my most important rule?

14 Who is Thomas Hobbes? A philosopher who believed that without government, life would be nasty, brutish, and short

15 Who is John Locke? A philosopher who believed that people were basically good and government could work with a system of checks and balances

16 What is the Force Theory?
Some people came in and took over the area

17 What is the Evolutionary Theory?
First you are family, next a clan, then a tribe, and finally a state

18 What is the Divine Right Theory?
The right to rule comes from God

19 What is the Social Contract Theory?
People give up some of their rights for safety

20 What two nations became superpowers following World War II?
US and USSR until 1991

21 Give examples of direct and indirect democracies.
Direct – Switzerland, Ancient Greece Indirect – United States, Canada, United Kingdom

22 Give examples of monarchies
Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Canada, Norway

23 What are communist or post – communist countries?
these countries have sought to create a system that limits individual freedoms in order to divide wealth more equally Russia (PC) and China (C)

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