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Introduction to Maternal And child health nursing

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1 Introduction to Maternal And child health nursing
Anuradha Perera (B.Sc.N)special University of Sri Jayewardebnepura

2 Objectives

3 The Evolution of the Maternal and New Born nursing
Up to 1900s – Pregnant women received no prenatal care Birth occurred – Birth occurred at home usually attended by a midwife These Midwives are not formally trained Physicians were attended only in complicated situations

4 Family approach to the health Care
Family – Two or more people living in the same household, Sharing the common emotional bonds, and providing for the basic needs of life. Parent – Person establishing a parent-child relationship by caring the child by providing the physical, Social and emotional requirements necessary for normal growth and development.

5 Common obstetric terminology
Antepartum EDD- Gestation Gravida Multigravida Multipara Nuligravida Nagele’s rule

6 Common obstetric terminology contd…
Para- Primigravida- Pimipara- LRMP

7 Pregnancy The average length of pregnancy is 280 days or 40 weeks. Pregnancy is considered as 3 trimesters of 03 calendar months each. If the fetus is born after 20 weeks but prior completion of the 37th week ,the fetus is called a premature infant. One born after 42 weeks of gestation is called post mature infant.

8 Signs of pregnancy The sighs of pregnancy are a group of symptoms and observations that leads to the positive diagnosis of pregnancy. Presumptive signs (Early but unreliable, generaly subjective) Probable signs( Stronger but still not reliable, generally objective) Positive signs (definitive)

9 01 Presumptive signs Ammenorrhea Nausea & Vomiting (morning sickness)
Urinary frequency (1&3) Breast changes Enlarged Tender Tingling sensation Areola widening Veins beneath becomes more visible

10 01 Presumptive signs contd
Fatigue Quickening (16th to 20th week)

11 2 Probable sings Heagar’s sign – Softening of the lower uterine segment that can be felt in during Vaginal examination Goodell’s sign – Softening of the cervix Chadwick’s sign – The mucous membranes of the cervix, vagina and vulva become bluish Abdominal enlargement Braxton hicks contractions –irregular, painless contractions of the uterus

12 2 Probable sings contd…. Ballottement- during 4th-5th month, a gentle push or tap of the uterus will cause the fetus to float away and then rebound, touching the clinician’s hand Palpable fetal outline Skin pigmentation changes Linea Niagra Cholasma Striae gravidarum

13 Positive pregnancy tests
HCG Urine Blood

14 3 positive sings FHS Fetal movements felt by examiner Ultrsound

15 Physiological changes during pregnancy
Reproductive system Uterus Vagina Breasts Respiratory system Cardiovascular system GIT Urinary system

16 Physiological changes during pregnancy
Integumentary system vascular markings Pigmentation changes Stiae gravidrum Acene Hair growth Muscular skeletal system

17 Physiological changes during pregnancy contd..
Metabolic changes Endocrine system

18 What are the psychological changes during pregnancy?


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