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Five Themes of Geography Project

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1 Five Themes of Geography Project

2 Create a poster, picture book, Google slide show or other visual describing the United States according to the geographic themes of location, place, region, movement, and human/environment interaction.

3 Five Themes of Geography:
Location: Where is it? Place: What is it like there? Movement: How is this place connected to other places? Region: How might common geographic characteristics help people understand a place? Human/Environmental Interaction: How do people interact with the environment?

4 4 3 2 1 Organization Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence that teaches the geography of the U.S well. Information is presented in a logical sequence which an audience can follow and understand. Audience has difficulty learning U.S. geography because it is disorganized or sloppy. Audience cannot understand content because there is no order to the project. Content Knowledge Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) of the 5 geographic themes with elaboration and use of many vocabulary terms. Student easily explains the 5 geographic terms using vocabulary terms and clearly teaches understanding of the ideas. Student has very basis knowledge of the 5 themes of geography; few vocabulary terms are used. Student does not have grasp of information; student does not use any vocabulary to show understanding of concept. Visuals Student used visuals to reinforce geographic concepts through dynamic presentation. Student uses visuals related to text and presentation. Student occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation. Student used no visuals. Mechanics Student’s project has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Student’s project has 1 or 2 misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Student’s project has 3 misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Student’s project has 4 or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

5 By yourself… Create a poster, picture book, Google slide show or other visual describing the United States according to the geographic themes of location (pages 9-11), place (pages 15-25), movement (pages 26-35), region (pages 36-42), and human/environment interaction (pages 43-54). You may want to review Chapter One of “United States Studies” to help you include meaningful facts in your project. Think about how you are being graded on this project (Organization, Content Knowledge, Visuals, and Mechanics). Turn in your final project to the in-box when you are finished. Make sure to put your first and last name as well as date on it.

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