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The Crucible Quiz Act 1 & 2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crucible Quiz Act 1 & 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crucible Quiz Act 1 & 2

2 The Plan: Nov 21: Act 1 & 2 Book Group Nov 26: Act 3 Book Group Dec 5: Act 4 Book Group Dec 12: Scene Editing—What is the most important stuff? Dec 19: Staging—How do we mark movement? Jan 9th: Subtext—Stress and Inflection Jan 16th: Practicing/How to memorize Jan 23rd: Practicing/Final Product Review Jan 28-30: Presentations!

3 Nov 21: Book Group Discussion
Who are the key characters in Act 1 & 2—select 6. Why are they so important to the act? What motivates them? What conflicts do they face? Describe each character: What do they look like? What would they wear? How would they move? Walk? How do they speak?

4 Homework Read Act III for next Wednesday

5 The Crucible Quiz: Act 3

6 Nov 26: Book Group Discussion
What props or stage elements are most important for each act?---select no more than six (two per act?). Explain why you picked them. Review your key character list. Would you add any new important characters? Add to your character analysis, replacing any new important characters with those who were not as important in this act. What conflicts have arisen for your characters? What motivates them? Why are they important for Act 3?

7 Act 4 Read and add to your character /set list

8 The Crucible Act 4 Quiz

9 Dec 5: Book Group Discussion
Share any additions to the character/setting analysis Rank the four acts by which you want to perform the most. Be ready to choose.

10 For Your Act Discuss who will play which character
Each person will prepare a character sketch of that character for the final Director’s notebook Appearance Movement Speaking Motivations Internal and External Conflicts Eventually, each person will have a marked script with stress/inflection/staging marked for their character.

11 Homework: Work on your final character sketch
Write a “somebody wanted but so….” statement for your character

12 The Crucible Editing a script

13 To Cut your script down:
Write a brief summary of the MOST IMPORTANT things that happen in your act---adding in only what each group member put in their “Somebody Wanted But So…” statements. Go through your act, and highlight the lines that MUST stay in to achieve that goal. Go line by line, and remove unnecessary words/phrases that don’t support that summary.

14 Homework Complete your scene edit for next Friday

15 The Crucible Staging

16 The Stage Up Stage (U) Stage Right (R) Center Stage (C) Stage Left (L) Down Stage (D)

17 What is a Beat? A beat is a portion in the play where the tone/action changes Identify and mark the beats in your act where does the tone/action change? It is on the beats where your characters should change stage position Remember, you want your audience to see your actors at all times, so watch where they stand.

18 On your script, Label the Staging
Draw the stage, and use pennies to represent the actors Read, and then move your pennies according to where you think you should stage. Write it on your script where your character should move.

19 Homework: Finish Staging your scene

20 The Crucible Subtext

21 See her for what she is.

22 Subtext: What the character means, but doesn’t directly say it.
Shown by stress/inflection Stress—highlighting one word over another Inflection—The attitude with which the word is said Pause—highlights sections of the text for dramatic effect

23 Let’s try it! Same scene Different context
What will you stress, pause, or inflect?

24 Homework Mark for stress/inflection/pausing in your Act

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