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Rising Tensions.

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1 Rising Tensions

2 Yes!….but No. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766, just a year after its introduction. ON THE SAME DAY Parliament passed the Declaratory Act: Stated Parliament had the authority to makes laws for the colonist “in all cases whatsoever.”

3 The Townshend Acts Passed in 1767 Imported lead, paper, tea, etc.
Colonists still cried “taxation without representation” and boycotted.

4 The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770
British troops sent to Boston to put down an unruly crowd. Troops fire into the crowd, killing Crispus Attucks and four others

5 Boston Tea Party May 1773 After the massacre the Townshend Acts were lifted, but the tax on tea remained. Sons of Liberty organize a strike and dump crates of imported tea into Boston Harbor.

6 The Intolerable Acts(Coercive Acts)
Designed to punish the colonists, was introduced in 1774 Closed Boston Harbor, extended quartering laws, took local legislative power away

7 First Continental Congress
***First gathering of delegates from around the colonies. Met in Philadelphia Renewed boycotts and scheduled another meeting.

8 Paul Revere’s Ride British troops marched from Boston to Concord to seize ammunition supplies of the colonists. Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott ride through the countryside warning the people.

9 Lexington 5 miles from Concord the British met a small militia on April 19, 1775. “The shot heard around the world” was fired by a militia man. ***Fighting had started!

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