Heading Toward War 1820-1860.

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Presentation on theme: "Heading Toward War 1820-1860."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heading Toward War

2 Between 1820 and 1860, no issue divided the U.S. more than slavery.

3 An American who wanted to abolish, or end, slavery
Abolitionist An American who wanted to abolish, or end, slavery

4 The Liberator and The North Star
William Lloyd Garrison Frederick Douglas

5 Some people said slavery was morally wrong.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin

6 The Underground Railroad (a set of routes, not a train)

7 Compromise of 1850 California becomes a free state
Free States Slave States California becomes a free state There are more free states (16) than there are slave states (15) for the 1st time. Congress agrees to pass the Fugitive Slave Act. All Americans (including Northerners) must return runaway enslaved people to their owners, or go to jail.

8 This meant that people-not the government-would vote to accept or ban slavery.

9 The abolitionists formed a new party…
Republican A lawyer from Illinois joins the new party

10 Enslaved people could be:“…bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise.”

11 Lincoln vs. Douglas

12 John Brown’s Raid Colonel Robert E. Lee recaptures the arsenal
Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry Colonel Robert E. Lee recaptures the arsenal

13 Withdraw (from the Union)
Secede Withdraw (from the Union)

14 South Carolina walks the walk
December 20th 1860 Charleston Mercury Other states would follow

15 Confederate guns fired on Ft. Sumter on April 12, 1861
Confederate guns fired on Ft. Sumter on April 12, The Civil War had begun.

16 Review What were Americans who wanted to end slavery called?
What new political party formed in opposition to the spread of slavery? How did Southern lawmakers react to Lincoln’s election?

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