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PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Cognitive Learning Insight Learning

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1 PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Cognitive Learning Insight Learning
A-Level PE PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Cognitive Learning Insight Learning

2 Cognitive theories COGNITIVE =THINKING
Stress the importance of what the brain does with the information that it receives Reject the concept that we respond to stimulus in an unthinking way. Require the learner to understand what they are trying to achieve

3 Cognitive theory of learning
Suggests we learn by working out the solutions to problems ourselves A performer needs to think about and understand what is required, rather than simply developing a series of response to various stimuli. Focus is on whole skill rather than a particular aspect The problem will be solved as a whole using previous knowledge and experience Mark Cavendish knows he has a better sprint finish than anyone so others will set off hard to combat it. Roger Federer used to be known for a weaker backhand so people would hit to it, now It’s arguably his best shot

4 Insight Learning Learner suddenly gets an insight into the task, puts connections together and makes dramatic improvement Struggle for a while Then suddenly it ‘clicks’ into place It is a combination of both internal and external feedback Links to the theory that the ‘whole is greater than the sum of the parts’ It is the relationship and transition between the parts which is the most vital part Needs to understand the skill as a whole before it can be correctly performed Means that teachers/coaches need to supply a variety of learning situations to gain the full ‘insight’

5 Recap Task– Whole Learning
Write down all the factors that affect choosing the Whole Method of practice Now write down sporting skills that would best be used for whole learning/insight learning

6 Whole Learning Skill high in organisation – difficult to break down
Easy to transfer from practice to game When time is short Performer is experienced – autonomous Activity is not dangerous. Examples – Cycling – forward roll - swimming

7 How insight learning could have a positive effect on performance
Understanding the process to achieve the result Involves cognitive processes/development Experiences the ‘whole’ activity rather than skills in isolation Helps to identify role in the game Allows learners to develop their own strategies and/or routes of understanding/learn own corrections Poses questions but not ‘trial and error’ learning Better for the performer rather than being told what to do all the time Performer able to adjust movements as required

8 why a coach may decide to use insight learning
Developing an understanding of the whole problem Develops more independent learners/ students think more / cognitive processes Develops greater understanding of relationship between sub-routines / timing Able to modify / adapt actions or skill in a new situation Increased motivation of students Encourages creativity / decision making

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